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Darkeem and William, who had been dragged to come along, had asked Hinata if he'd want to come to the mall with them for a little fun, to which the boy obviously agreed. Darkeem's reasoning was that he wanted to get Hinata away from the yanderes for a bit since their clinginess was getting a bit concerning. The trio walked to the rather large mall and went inside, immediately greeted by the bustling of people, smell of different shops, and the places of entertainment.

"I just remembered why I hate malls." William grumbled, already getting close to collapsing the entire place and killing everyone in it.

"Oh? And why's that dear William?" Darkeem asked.

"People." Was the simple answer he was given.

"Honestly, that's understandable." Hinata piped in.

Unbeknownst to Darkeem and Hinata, some of the guys had secretly come along with the trio. William noticed this and was now even more upset.

'Fuck collapsing the mall, I'm gonna collapse the entire damn universe.' He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Hinata whimper, soft enough that someone with normal hearing wouldn't catch.

He saw Hinata staring at a group of young men that were looking hungrily at him and angrily at Darkeem. William went and nudged the sadist on the shoulder.

"The hell's going on over here?" He whispered to Darkeem.

"Those are some guys from the other day that harassed Hinata. I also happened to clock them all in the head with an anvil." With a sound of understanding, William walked up to the group.

"Well look what we have here! Where's your mommy, hmm? You lost little child?" The others of the group laughed while William looked unimpressed.

"Wow, it's totally not like I've heard that one before. Gods, if you're gonna insult me, find something to say about besides my height." He then glared at the group, causing them to back up. Then, they looked forward and their eyes grew in fear. With a sigh, William turned around and saw, what looked like to him, a bunch of large pillars.

"What do you think you're doing with our Hinata?" Ushijima asked, a scowl adorning his face. Out of fear, the guys ran away and left. They immediately checked up on their precious tangerine who was kinda out of it.

"Hey Hinata, are you okay?" Suga asked while softly slapping his cheek. He seemed to snap out of it and looked at Suga, before giving him a bright smile.

"I'm alright!" He shouted, making the guys there put their hands to their hearts.

'Adorable!' They thought.

'Fuckin simps.' Both Darkeem and William thought.

With the newly arrived group of simps, they all went exploring around the mall. During that time, the group, except Hinata and the two Infinity Gods, began making plans to murder the entire group of thugs.

"And that's the plan. The question is when are we going to do it?" Kogane asked.

"Let's do it tomorrow. People might get suspicious." Ushijima said, the others agreeing.

'So arson, huh? Should be an interesting murder plan.' William thought looking at the group. Hinata had gone with Darkeem to get some ice cream, so now William was looking after the guys to make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

"That reminds me, we need to do something about the two rats here." Futakuchi said looking at William. Even though his back was turned, he felt all their eyes on him and knew that the two rats they were referring to were him and Darkeem.

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