Crackhead Hours

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"So where were you guys last night? I looked everywhere but I couldn't find anyone!" Hinata said as he made the cutest pouty face he could make. The boy was extremely close to killing them all with just his pout alone.

"Chibi-chan!" Oikawa shouted as he ran up to the boy and hugged him tightly, said boy melting into the hug. Jealousy could be felt as the others look on. Well, all besides Kags and Hoshi who were looking on in amusement.

"He really does have all of them wrapped around his finger, doesn't he?" Kourai asked the taller who simply nodded his head.

"So what happened yesterday? Here I thought I would be mercilessly bugged by you, but I didn't see you anywhere." William asked Darkeem who just shrugged.

"Let's just say I had a bit of a feast yesterday. A course of flesh and bones with a side of souls." Darkeem whispered into William's ear, the other understanding right away.

Back with the harem, they had explained what they were doing yesterday night, which they used the excuse of, "we were out having a bit of fun!"

"Why didn't you guys invite me?" Hinata asked. He was a bit skeptical about what had really happened, but was willing to let it slide for right now.

"We were doing things that we weren't sure you would enjoy or not." Daichi told him.

"Okay! I've gotta go to my room real quick! I'll be right back!" He quickly ran to the elevator(they're all in the lobby of the hotel)and pressed his floor, back turned to everyone else. He didn't notice that his entire harem had turned and began to glare at the two munchkins.

When he made it into the elevator, his smile fell as he began to think.

'The hell's going on with them. I know they like me, but they seem way too clingy. Not to mention, I think they might have a problem with Darkeem and William. I don't have any evidence of that, but something's telling me that something might happen between them. I'll have to keep my eye on them.' Hinata thought as he made it to his floor.

'Enlightening that he's aware that something's up with his simps. The question is if he'll realize it in time or not.' William noted that the guys had stopped glaring at him and Darkeem and were now conversing in one large group. About what exactly? Well, a plan of attack. On whom? The tiny Infinity Gods.

"And that's the plan. We'll execute them tonight." Daichi said as a round of yeah's were heard.

"Is it bad that I'm actually looking forward to what's about to go down tonight?" Darkeem asked as he pulled out a bag of popcorn from nowhere.

"No no, I'm actually interested to see what happens too."

"Should we time skip to tonight or should we do something else?"

"No. Let's go with a time skip. I'm sure the readers are interested to see what Author can come up with."

"Alrighty then! Let's time skip to tonight!
"What time did we time skip to?"

"Let me check the clock!" *Darkeem pulls out a clock from nowhere* "It's currently...eight o'clock. They should be going through with their plan in about an hour."

"So, have any ideas on what we should do in the meantime?"

" ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ "

"Of course you'd say that."

"Oh! I have an idea! And before you say anything, yes, it includes me being a complete crackhead."

*sigh* "What do you have in mind?"

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