Vergil: I see... But making the men stay isn't the best of ideas. From what I've heard from my travels, the crusaders are strong and in a single crusade can decimate even the most trained individual.

Ryoko: Not only that, but usually a Hero is within their ranks to even make everything harder to fight back. Since you have no connection to this village at all, I suggest you quickly leave, from what our Harpy scout reported, a Crusade would arrive in around four days.

With that, she left and returned to her duties. It is certainly intriguing to see how powerful this "Hero" is. Although I highly doubt one would be powerful enough to even make a lasting wound on me.

I retired for the night, taking off my cloak and placing it on the chair. I wonder, since I am half Demon. Would holy magic and weapons harm me? After all, this is a different world.

Vergil: Hm... I wonder... No... I'm sure you'll help everyone here. Only knocking out the Order crusaders.

Yes... Dante, for all his foolishness. Will definitely stop the Crusade. Nero, he too will join Dante in his hubris... But then again.

I let my thoughts drift into nothingness as sleep slowly took over. The morning came and I heard yelling and hasty footsteps. I stood up and wore my cloak just in time to see Ryoko barge in my room with panic in her eyes.

Ryoko: V! Gather your belongings and run! The Crusade has someone powerful within their ranks to let them teleport close to the village!

Oh? Curious, no... Rather, I'm impressed. Teleportation... Must be very powerful indeed.

Ryoko: Are you even listening!? Hurry up and run before you get caught in the crossfire!

Vergil: Tell me Ryoko, are the men intercepting the Crusade?

Ryoko stopped yelling at me.

Ryoko: No, but they're stationed near the gates to stall the Crusade.

I smirked under my cloak.

Vergil: Such valiant hearts... Foolishness.

Ryoko was about to yell at me again but I stopped her.

Vergil: That's enough Ryoko. I'll admit, I am rather secretive of my origins but now. Let's just hope their Chief God could protect them.

I walked past her, her eyes never leaving my form as worry glazed her eyes. I walked out of the Tavern, where I found Siel directing villagers to stop them from trampling one another. Her eyes landed on me and I return the gesture with a nod.

She was confused to say at least, until I disappeared from her view. I teleported to the gates, where men from ages twenty and above all lined up to give their wives and children time to escape. A foolish endeavor, but a respectable one as well.

I chuckled... Oh how much of a hypocrite I am. Just days of doing my best to make myself as uninteresting at all, yet here I am, helping them by revealing myself.

I was about to walk through the lines of men but I heard my alias being yelled.

I turn around, seeing three familiar figures approaching me.

Vergil: It seems my intentions aren't clear-

I was cut off my Siel yelling.

Siel: What are you doing!? Ryoko told you to run yet you ran at the opposite direction! What are thinking even!

I hummed in thought... What am I doing exactly, normally I would just walk away like nothing is happening, as human conflict is below me... But then again. Heh... I couldn't help but feel like this has happened before.

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