Twenty Six Pt. II

Start from the beginning

Im not sure who moved first. But one moment we were standing frozen in the library and the next I was pressed against the wall of books.

I was so rash when it came to Cole, he infected me with compulsiveness. It was alluring, like a good wine. Intoxicating like an aged whiskey, strong like Moonshine. Sweet like a cocktail, equal parts bubbly and exciting like champagne. His is taste tangy and sweet, both subtle and strong--he makes me drunk with just a taste.

He groaned and deepened the kiss. I gasped, twisting my tongue with his. The fervor was there, the hunger, the thirst brewing since the last time we had been this desperate for each other bubbled to the surface.

That was the first and last time I shared my body with him, over a year ago at that Christmas party. The day I met this wicked tongued, blue eyed demon.

His hands snaked down my sides, and he gave an appreciative moan as he squeezed my arse like the night of the gala for my charity fund.

Cole's phone buzzed again, interrupting us just as my fingers had snaked under his shirt to feel his washboard abs.

It sprung me back to reality and with a start I pushed him back. Cole leaned his forehead against mine and sighed. "Sure I can't persuade you to have dinner with me?"

I stepped around him and blushed, "I doubt I could sit still through it. Not after..."

He smirked, the look he gave me was equal parts hot and teasing, "I'll make it quick." The double meaning wasn't lost on me. "One course then straight to dessert."

I blushed again and shook my head, "I'll be going off to bed now."

He watched me leave, but I lingered behind the closed door. I heard Cole sigh then groan, and I could practically imagine him running his hands through his wild hair. "I'm such a freaking idiot," he muttered, "Everything was going to plan. I just had to go and kiss her."

I TOSSED AND TURNED ALL NIGHT. Thoughts of his lips on me kept me up until late and woke me up early. Wrapped in the Egyptian cotton sheets and my hair spread all over the feather pillows, I couldn't help but stare at the ceiling in exasperation.

Cole Richmond confused me, he utterly and completely confused me. We were so different, he was the blistering fire to my cool ice, yet somehow outside the boundaries of the Upper East side we fit like two old puzzle pieces.

With a frown, I pushed the hot covers off and readied myself for a cold shower. The water felt good against my overheated skin, cool and refreshing.

When I emerged dressed in khaki shorts and a dove grey v-neck, I felt shy. They way I left things wasn't one of my proudest moments.

I passed the sweet voluptuous woman that took care of the property going down the stairs. She smiled and tipped her chin down ever so slightly, "Ma'am."

I nodded at her in greeting, "Good day, Lucy. How do you do?"

"Just dandy, ma'am. Looks like the sun is toning down today. It'll agree with your complexion."

I sighed in relief. The Louisiana sun could be brutal, and I've already begun to burn a bit on my shoulders. "That's great news!"

She sent me another kind smile, her warm cocoa eyes taking in my wary expression. "Mister Cole is in the kitchen. He's having breakfast."

"I-I'll go join him, thank you."

She held up the laundry basket in her hands and offered me a reassuring look, "Well these clothes won't wash themselves. Enjoy yourself Miss Poppy."

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