Chapter 16 - This will be our secret

Start from the beginning

The mention of Natalie had Ronald's eyes dimming down, his gaze flickering to the ground, and the shame pressing over his shoulder. I rushed a hand over my jaw, containing my anger. At least he is aware that what he did was wrong.

"I tried to look for you both after the...accident, but I couldn't," Julia added, genuine emotions gathering in her eyes, "I couldn't do anything," She shook her head helplessly, "Or else Joseph would've gotten suspicious."

She inched closer to him, her eyes still in shock, trying to believe that this is real, "I knew then that Isaac must've kept his promise and kept you safe."

My eyebrows pulled closer at her words, "What promise?" I asked, grabbing her attention back to me, "Why would my father even do that?"

She turned to me, her gaze still distrustful and I really don't blame her for that, "Tell me why do you want to know about my sister, be honest Nikolas, because it's not very easy to trust the likes of you," She said, not shying away, "By just talking about this, I am putting my life at risk, I need to know it's worth it."

I hefted out a breath, "I told you, I am trying to avenge your sister's death, and at the same time, this feels like a very good way for me to break Isaac down, I need that."

She shook her head, "Isaac didn't hurt us," She said, "It's the opposite, he helped us," She turned to Ronald, "He helped her."

I scoffed, "I can assure you, my father is not a good man," I stressed out, a bit taken aback by the fact someone was defending Isaac.

She nodded, "Neither are you," She simply stated. I guess being totally straightforward is a common trait in this family.

I shook my head, "No, I am not, but this isn't our subject now, is it," I said, "You hate Joesph, it's beyond obvious from how much you are scared of him," Even his daughter looked terrified, "So, our deal is this, you give me the information I need, I make sure Joseph is no longer an issue."

"We," Ronald stressed out, picking up on my choice of words, "We will make sure of that," He added, raising an unsatisfied eyebrow and reminding me of his words the day before. He wants to be the one to kill Joseph. Well, if he stops interfering in my shit and interrupting me, I would grant him that, but if he continues to be a little shit like this, I might have to get rid of him before I deal with Joseph.

Julia looked between the two of us, lost at what choice she needs to take before she finally nodded her head, making up her mind, "What do you want to know?"

"Everything, from the beginning."

She pulled into a deep breath and sat down on one of the chairs, "Like I told you, before all of this, one from your father's family was meant to take one from ours, it didn't matter who exactly," She scoffed, "It's how it always works around here, isn't it?"

She carried on while Ronald and I listened, me for my reasons and he for his, "The two families worked together a lot, so we saw them on so many occasions, and well, Maria and Isaac were the ones that clicked, I mean Maria always had that bubbly-full-of-life personality that no one could resist," A small smile lifted her lips as she talked about her sister and I turned to Ronald, who looked ready to bolt away at the discussion going on but he stood still, fighting his emotions and he listened.

"They were more like friends actually, at that time, nothing was certain yet about who would marry who," She said, "Although that's not how your father saw it, he was developing feelings for her but Maria was already in love with someone else," She looked at Ronald and he nodded, understanding as he said, "My father."

Julia nodded, "He wasn't part of this, he was just a normal man Maria met when we snuck out one time and things just accelerated from there with them," Her voice tightened at the memory, "Till Joseph caught her one time and that's when the whole marriage was arranged as fast as possible to prevent her from doing anything."

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