Scared of Death

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"Saachi, I have booked your appointment. Get ready", Ma said entering the study room as I frowned.

"What happened, Ma?", I asked her closing my books.

"Oh god, Did you really forgot it's your engagement the day after tomorrow. You need to look the best", She said as I frowned.

"But we still have time and where are we going?", I asked her.

"We are not going anywhere. I have called the girls here for your makeover", She said as I nodded.

"But what are we doing?", I asked her as she pushed me inside my room.

"Wear this", She said showing me a short summer dress.

"I am not wearing this", I started looking at it.

"Come on Saachi your father and brothers are not here. Even Pitaji and Ma are out for some work. It's the perfect timing for you to groom yourself", She said as I nodded staring at the dress.

"It is too short", I mumbled.

"They are going to do your waxing. It would be easier for you to wear this", She said as I nodded.

Weird enough. I have never done this waxing, threading, and all this stuff in my whole life. Now let's see how it is going to be. 

I changed into the dress still feeling weird. But only the females are going to be there so let's try.

Five random girls were sitting in the leisure room with Ma

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Five random girls were sitting in the leisure room with Ma. 

"Come Sweetheart", Ma said standing up from her place showing me a place to sit.

All the five girls surrounded me. I was feeling very weird. Kind of scared though.

One of them was having a thread in her hand. The other two were having sticky strips in their hands near my hands. The remaining two were near my legs with the same sticky strips.

And when they started I felt like dying. I was literally shouting with pain as tears fall down my eyes.

"I don't want to do this, Ma", I pleaded as they continued like emotionless people.

"It is almost done, baby", She tried to calm me down as I screamed again as she pulled my arms hair.

I heard loud banging on the door.

"Saachi", I heard Pitaji and Yuvraj Ji calling me.

"Princess, what is going on?", I heard Pitaji.

"It's nothing Rana Sa. Get out. Everything is fine", Ma said as I cried.

"I don't want to do this", I pleaded in front of her.

"How much is left?", Ma asked the girls.

"Fifteen minutes more", She said as I cried.

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