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Rathore Mansion

"Why did you call me so early, Shiv?", Bharat asked entering inside the mansion but find no one there to answer his question. He frowned looking around before sighing. 

"What the hell is this?", He murmured when he heard the sounds of anklets. He thought he was imagining things but he knew the way the anklets were moving. It felt like he had heard this sound before. He turned around to find a figure standing in the shadows.

The body curves showed it was a woman. He tried to look at her face but to no avail.

"Who is there?", He asked in a cold voice. His hands were already covered with the familiar goosebumps. He heard the sound of bangles this time as she moved her hands before coming in light.

"I would kill you for sure Bharat", She shouted as he froze in his place. The woman standing in the shadows came out. Her face is covered with a purple veil matching with her lehenga.

"Who are you?", He asked too astonished to understand anything.

"I told you Alisia he won't remember. This guy is having an affair", She cried removing the veil from her face.

"See Aaru, you took all your bad habits from your father. He forgot me. He must be having kids with another woman. Oh god! why you did this to me?", She cried as he blankly stared at her angelic face in the light.

"Baby", He whispered as she glared at him.

"Don't baby me", She spoke.

"You really here?", He asked.

"No it's my ghost roaming around the palace", She spoke angrily throwing her double dupatta on his face. Then the cushions started hitting his face. He dodged them coming towards her taking her in his arms. 

She wanted to fight but after so many years, being in the arms of your lover, she melted away.

"You knew I was alive still you never tried to search for me", She cried sobbing on his shoulder.

"I was scared something wrong would happen to you. I couldn't endanger your life just for my own happiness", He spoke hugging her close to his heart. She cried for a long time feeling his warmth and fragrance enveloping her body.

"I am so jealous of Alisia. She is having two kids and we only have one that to an utterly stupid one", She spoke as he frowned.

"Ma this is not fair. What do you mean an utterly stupid one?", Aarya said coming out as Bharat stared at him in shock.

"He is my son?", Bharat asked as Ava started hitting his chest.

"What do you mean by that question?", She asked.

"It means I am not your son. Oh my god, you lied to me", Aarya said in his melodramatic way as Bharat stared at his face.

"Baba", He called hugging him tightly as Bharat was in the whole shock.

"My son", He whispered in a shivery voice hugging him tightly.

"Happy family", Aarya said happily as Ava smiled joining the hug.

"Beautiful family", Ava said as Bharat nodded.

"Beautiful family", Ava said as Bharat nodded

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