Chapter 11

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We were traveling on a cold dark winter night when we found Mal and Alina

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We were traveling on a cold dark winter night when we found Mal and Alina.

They were huddled together talking about how Mal missed her and he did love her. What a touching moment until... they found the stag. Alina approached the giant white stag to pet it. I'm surprised it let her touch him.

"Alina, you have to kill it," Mal interjected.

"No," she said. That's when the darkling ordered me to shoot. I nodded, I didn't care anymore. I didn't want to disobey him I became scared that he would kill my sister. So I never said no.

I shot the stag with a bow and arrow and Alina cried out.

The Darkling came out of the woods, "Should have listened to him. That little thing you guys had there, really touching. I bet you didn't tell him all about how you were willing to give yourself to me, and what I showed you."

Mal looked angry and Alina looked down in regret. Me too sister. The Darkling laughed and the darkling rose his hands about to cut the stag in half. If he killed it, Alina would be done for. He would have all the power over her.

"No!" Alina screamed and jumped in front of the stag. The Darkling swerved the cut and split a tree in half instead.

Ivan and I were instructed to hold Mal. So I listened.

He struggled to get out of our grip.

"Let go of him!" Alina screamed.

"Shhh," The Darkling started, "Or I will let them kill him, slowly. We've wasted too much time here," He then cut the stag in half.

An oprichnik grabbed the antlers and handed them to the Darkling. "David, come," he ordered.

David, Genyas one true love had come out of nowhere and started to connect the amplifiers. The antlers were around Alinas neck and collarbones.
Connecting the amplifier to her skin and the Darkling.  So he could have control over her power.

"It's done," David said sadly.

Alina had burst into a circle of light. The Darkling must be testing her powers.

"Alright, we will camp out for a night and then make our way towards the fold. Be ready."

"What do we do with the tracker?" Ivan asked.

"Chain him up, we still need him"

"What about the stag?" I asked Alina looking at me with hurt in her eyes.

"Burn it." The Darkling said, "And Alina if you try to harm yourself or disobey your tracker will pay for it."

The Darkling then motioned to me to come towards him.

"Amelia here will be in charge of your tracker, and you know how powerful she is," he smirked and a tear accidentally slipped out of my eye.

Alina gulped and looked at him with pure hatred.

Privateer ~ Nikolai LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now