Chapter 1

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"Amelia! My kefta!" The darkling yells to me. It's been a while since I started working for him instead of the king.

I grab his black kefta and walk towards him. "Here you go sir." I hold it out for him so he can put his arms through the sleeves. Once he had it on he turned to me. "Amelia," he said roughly, "I need you to do me a favor."

"Yes moi soverennyi? What is the favor?"

"Prince Vasily has to be escorted and watched to make sure he is safe, so he can go to a party tonight. Not that I want you to go and guard for him, but I owe the king a favor." He sighs, "so you will go out with Vasily and three other guards to make sure he gets there and comes back safely." He turns to look at himself in the mirror with me right next to him. I stand next to him a little uncomfortable that he's so close. Wait what? Vasily!?

"Sir. I think Vasily will be safe without me." I argue not wanting to be near Vasily.

"I think so too Amelia. You have to understand the king has asked me to do this."

"Fine." I say with attitude. I walk away slowly until he grabs my wrist.

"Amelia," he growls, "watch your tone." You should know I have anger issues, so this isn't going to go well.

I attempt to get my wrist out of his grip, but he holds it tight.

"I will not watch my tone when I have to go watch that filthy prince." I spit. The darkling eases his grip.

"Amelia, would you calm down."

"Would you stop saying my name every time you start talking!"

"I understand why you are mad, I do. I'm not stupid Vasily must have done something to you." He said looking at me with concern. How could he change his emotions so fast?

He continues and slides his hand on my cheek, "but believe me Amelia, I don't want anything to happen. Nothing will happen, that's why I'm sending Ivan and other oprichnik."

I sigh and he stares at me with those piercing gray eyes. I feel very uncomfortable. Let's backtrack...
he yelled at me hurt my wrist, acts concerned, and then starts staring at me like a creep. Alright I need to get out of here.

I smile at him and back away from him removing his hand from my face. "Alright let me know when I have to leave." I bow, "moi soverenyi." And I leave the room a little flush from our interaction. I walk up to my room changing into my cleaner kefta. It was going to be long night.

I hear a knock on my door, so I get up and Genya is there. I nearly knock her down when I jump to hug her.

"Woah Woah calm down Mia." Genya calls me my nickname and laughs, "I'm here to give you this letter from Prince Vasily." I groan, seriously?

"What does he want?" I open the letter with my sister watching me.

Hello Amelia,

You and your guards need to be in front of the grand palace by seven. Don't be late.

Hoping to be alone with you later tonight.

Yours truly,
        Prince Vasily

I pinch the upper part of my nose and sigh. Genya picks up the letter and scoffs. "Is he serious?! He cannot be serious!"

"Oh Genya, I think he's serious." I look at her with pure sadness in my eyes.

"Listen to me Amelia. I made this thing... you rub it on your skin it won't hurt you at least I don't think it will. But it will hurt him and make him sick. I've been doing that you know, the king." She explains.

"Will it uh- kill him?"

"No! No! I'm not that evil Amelia even though I do want to." she giggles lightly. She hands me this thing she made. "Thank you, Genya, truly."

"Anything to help you. But seriously if he does try anything do whatever you have to do to get out of there. Use your heartrender skills, something! And if you... can't- use this. Ok?"

"Okay." Genya hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Goodbye Mia."

"Bye." I smile sadly.

It's was seven now and I arrived with Ivan and the other guards in front of the grand palace.

"Hello! Are you all ready to go!" Vasily says happily, "Father said I can choose who stays where!"

Ivan rolls his eyes and bluntly says, "alright prince where are we stationed?"

"Well ok you and you," Vasily points at Ivan and another oprichnik, "will be in the front of the carriage."

"You," he points to me, "will be in the carriage with me because well you're the strongest."

I enter the carriage and sit on the opposite side of Vasily. The carriage starts to move.

"Amelia, what was so great about Nikolai that you never hung out with me?" Vasily asks nonchalantly.

"Well Prince, Nikolai was more fun and funnier than you were," I answer him bluntly.

"And he left! He obviously didn't care for you!"

"He did care for me! More than you ever will!"

"Amelia you are so, so gullible. You fell for him like all the other ladies. His golden hair and his pretty eyes!" he groans, "he was cocky and a trouble maker."

"At least he's not a suck-up!" I yell and Vasily's eyes fill with anger.

"What did you just say to me?" He gets up in the moving carriage and gets closer to my face. Trying to threaten me.

"I said at least he's not a suck-up." I spit. Vasily puts one hand on my face and squeezes it hard.

"You will listen to me, Amelia. He's not anything big. Nikolai was a prat, so stop thinking about him."

"Stop saying was like he's dead," I mumble because he still had a hold of me. I could lower his heart rate...
if things get worse that's what I'm going to do.

"No." Is all he says and then he kisses me. I push him off and grab his hand and he passes out. Well, he should be out for a while.

We stop, and the carriage door opens, "what the!?"

A/n: hi I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it's kind of short! The next chapters will be longer! I'm really bad at writing and really insecure about it lol
So I'm so sorry if this is bad or if I'm moving the story too fast. If something doesn't make sense please let me know! :)

Yes this is still a Nikolai fanfic not a darkling one but that doesn't mean nothing happens with them 😏

Thank you so much for reading!!

Who's your favorite character in the six of crows duology?

my answer: idkkk all of them? Haha top three in no particular order mine would be Nina, Kaz, and Inej I think idk it hard to choose cause I have to say Jesper too and Wylan and Matthias... see I have problems I'll stop talking now sorry...

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