Chapter 6

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TW: this chapter will have the topic of sexual assault please caution if you don't like reading it I will put a *** where you can read again. so don't read until the three ***

"Amelia. what a surprise." Vasily Lantsov held my shoulders helping me balance.

"Hello, moi tsarevich I'm sorry I must go."

"No, stay you look upset darling. Do tell me what's wrong."

"I can't sir. Please I have to go see my sister."

"She is helping the queen, unfortunately. Care to join me? I'm on my way to the kitchens because I needed a drink."

"Oh. I'm not sure I should maybe I should just go back to the little palace."

"Please come you look like you could use a drink," he smiled.

"Ok just one, prince Vasily. But please let me leave after one drink."

"Alright." He took my hand and we walked to the kitchens. Feeling very uncomfortable with him holding my hand I slowly slide my hand out of his.

He looked at me clearly irritated and then smiled. We arrive in the kitchens. Prince Vasily grabbed a bottle of kvas a very good alcoholic drink. At least to me.

Alcohol+broken heart=not a good decision

But I don't make good decisions, do I?

So I grab the bottle and take a huge swig of it the drink burning my throat as I swallow. Did I say one drink? I might need more. To forget about the idiot darkling who's too hot for his own good! Yeah, I said it.

"Amelia, I didn't know you were such a fun person."

"You don't know me that well then prince," I say with sass and take another huge swig.

"Leave some for me!" He laughs.

"Get your own I need it," I say as I start to feel the alcohol set in.

Why was I willingly hanging out with Vasily? The world may never know.

Actually, It might be the fact I have alcohol in my system right now. I should probably get out of here.

Yeah, I'm just making stupid decision after stupid decision while I finish the whole bottle of kvas.

"You're going to poison yourself with that much Amelia!" Prince Vasily yells.

"W-whatever prince vaseline," I laugh. That was funny, wasn't it? I think the alcohol is kicking in. I stumble over to the wine cellar looking for more drinks.

"Now, now Amelia you need to slow down," Vasily comes over to help me walk.

I drunkenly push him and I lose my balance and fall on top of him.

"Oops," I giggle, "did did— you know that Nikolai was my first kiss? Quite the charmer." I slide off of Vasily and lay beside him.

"No, I did not but nice to know. I intend to be your last." He says turning his head to look at me and I look at him.

I cackle like a witch at that. "You wish. You know you kind of look like him just a little plumper," I laugh. He gives me a disgusted look.

Vasily turns over and hovers over me on the floor. "If your eyes were hazel and your jawline was more structured you could be him," I say dreamily. I look at Vasily and his face doesn't even look like him anymore it looks like Nikolai.

"Nikolai? You're back?" I speak to the guy who was just Vasily. Hm? That's weird.

He laughs, "Amelia stop playing around." I missed his laugh. His beautiful laugh. Nikolai would treat me better than that stupid black-haired idiot who only wants power.

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