Prologue i guess?

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It was a cold day at the grand palace when I got called to see the king. He wanted to talk to me for some reason.

The king had taken advantage of my twin sister Genya Safin a beautiful tailor. We both had gorgeous red hair, but she was better looking than me. I was lucky enough to be saved by that sorry excuse of a king. Not really sure how though. The king was a disgusting old grump who didn't do anything but sit on his arse.

The king spotted me, "Ah Ms. Safin thank you for coming."

I bow, "moi tsar."

"I am relieving you from your job here in the grand palace. Instead you will be working at the little palace as one of the guards for the darkling, so the darkling will have two heartrenders." The King says in his stern voice.

I gasped in surprise. Why would I work for him? I have seen the Darkling before and sure he was very good looking. But I don't want to work for him. He seems... plain and boring. At least here in the grand palace I have my sister.

"May I ask why your highness?" I ask, my mind filled with curiosity.

"No you may not. You can leave. Your stuff will be sent over to the little palace in no time. Goodbye Miss Amelia Safin." He grumpily points to the door and nods towards it. Obviously wanting me to leave.

I bow once again, "moi tsar." I turn around and head to find my sister. I rush through the hallways and slam into somebody's chest. Vasily. The King and Queen's son. Also known as Prince Vasily. Prince Vasily was blonde and blue eyed and had a horrible personality. He reminded me of his father. A jerk and a perv.

"Hello Amelia," Vasily greeted me grabbing my hand and placing a sloppy kiss on it. I try to hide my disgust but I don't think it worked because the face he was making at me right now... he looked angry, I guess you could say. Vasily had always been jealous of me and his brother's friendship, so after his brother, Nikolai, my old best friend left the palace, Vasily claimed his territory like the dog he is.

"Hello moi tsarevich," I smile sweetly. "I really must get going. I've gotten a different job inside the little palace."

"So i've heard." He inched towards me. "Spend one last night with me before you leave?" So yes. I got out of the kings hands but someone else had gotten to me. You must be careful around powerful men. My sister would say to me, but it was too late to run from the prince even if I didn't want to be near him.

"I am going to have to decline that offer. I have a lot of work to do." I said kindly trying not to lose my temper.

"I can clear your schedule for you Amelia, and you can be with me all night." Vasily winked.

"Excuse me moi tsarevich, but I need Amelia today. And I do not think it's very kind to force her to come with you." A deep voice spoke up from behind me.

I turn. Oh. It's the darkling. He's even more handsome up close.

"You can't just take her. You forget, i'm the prince!" Vasily whined like a child. "I can actually. Now would you please excuse us we have places to be." The Darkling wraps his arm around my waist and we walk away from Vasily.

As we walk he lightly lets go of my waist and we walk side by side in very uncomfortable silence. At least it's uncomfortable for me. "Sir-" I said not really sure what else to call him. "Why am I working for you now?"

"I have been keeping my eye on you for a couple of months now Amelia. You are a very strong heartrender, at least for your age. And I'm going to need one of the strongest armies. And because you are strong it means we will be gaining a stronger second army."

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