chapter 20 (THE END)

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as peter got there he saw tony and the team standing at a distance from the warehouse discussing something. he swung and landed next to tony startling him in the process "Jesus kid, don't do that next time" peter just smiled sheepishly and apologized 

"ok so here's the plan" cap spoke up "we sneak in, we can't ambush this place like last time cause we don't know what condition y/n's in, ok? we can't risk it. we spread out and sneak in, kill if needed, Loki and clint try and sneak in through the vents while the rest of us, find any entrance with less guard and get through. try and find out which room is being guarded the most. remember, y/n's life is in danger, don't risk anything(he said this looking at Loki), bruce, Wanda, Pietro, and Rhodes will be backup. got it? and don't get hurt" 

everyone nodded in acknowledgment, tony turned to peter "and you. you are forbidden to get hurt, understand?" peter immediately nodded his head "let's do this" 

everyone got in position, Loki turned into a snake while everyone remained the same and went different ways to sneak into. Loki managed to sneak into one of the vents along with clint. thor, steve, and nat took out some of the guards at entrance 4 and snuck in.

bucky and sam snuck into entrance 2 after knocking out the guards while peter webbed up one guy and knocked him unconscious while tony just banged the other guard on the head almost killing him but just made him go unconscious. Peter gave him a look to which he just shrugged

everyone silently made their way in trying to find out where your being held at 


back at you
they started it again, the one thing you wished would never happen; happened. all your nightmares became a reality, a reality you never wanted to be in. it's as if you never got out and have been here since you were born. they threw you back into the cell you have been in for the past 3 days, almost 4. you were tired, hungry and most of all in pain. your whole body hurts

cuts after cuts, shocks after shocks. and finally, the one they love to watch, seeing you drown in the water tank (i didn't know what else to call it so I'm sorry) seeing you try and come up for air only to be chained to the bottom of it with vibranium cuffs, and when you finally give up. they drag you out and throw you back into your cell leaving you cold and hungry. and that's what happened 10 minutes ago, so now you're sitting on the dirty ground shivering from the cold, there are still old wounds that are starting to heal but are still bleeding as well

there was no bed or blanket to keep you warm, all you could do at the moment is pray and hope that someone will try and find you and get you out of this hell hole 

you heard the door being unlocked and open, walked inside was none other than the person who loved seeing you suffer "get her to the labs, her dear friends have come with a rescue mission. I want them to see her suffer because of their stupid decisions" 

they went over to you and pulled you to your feet and continued to drag you out, you tried to fight back only to be shocked, which didn't help your situation here 

"tie her up on one of those tables, and lock her powers in with the vibranium collar that was made for her. ill come back with the equipments" 


"God this place is huge" peter whispered to tony to which he snorted "you don't say kid" they have been here rounding this place for at least 20 minutes now with no info on where you're being held at 

"guys find your way to room 246, but keep it low. we have visual on y/n, and they know that we're here, so be careful" clint said from the vents. they have been watching since the 'guy' entered your cell. before they could go down and get you out your cell door already opened so they had no choice but to wait for another way of getting you out

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