chapter 6

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you woke up to a song blasting in your ear that made you jump out of bed. you landed with a thud on the floor, you groaned as you got up while cursing. you were actually wearing the headphones tony had gotten you along with the phone, so it just hurt your sensitive ears. you took them off and looked at the time, it was almost lunchtime so you decided to head back down and see what everyone was doing.

once you stepped out of the elevator you saw nat in the kitchen today cooking something  "hey~"  "oh hey y/n, looks like you had a good nap"  she said in a teasing tone and your ears turned red a little  "y-yeah I did, can I help you" you asked sweetly  "hmm maybe you could help me set the plates on the table" nat told you with a smile so you proceeded to grab some plates and arrange them on the table and at the same time you were done nat finished cooking

"what's that?" you asked innocently while looking at the food nat had made "that is pasta, it's not that bad so I'm sure you'll like it" "looks delicious. where's everyone?" "probably doing the usual, steve might be training the twins, tony, and bruce are in the lab as always, bucky I don't know where he is and clint is probably in the vents. and their gonna be here in 3.........2......................1" as soon as nat said one everyone was coming through the stair and the elevator, you immediately started giggling to which nat chuckled.

"why? What's so funny?" tony immediately asked as soon as he saw you giggling "n-nothing" you replied but still giggling a little  "what did you tell her nat?" steve asked but she just turned to you and wink while mouthing what steve said and you immediately burst into laughter. the team just shook their head and smiled at both of your silliness.  "so what's for lunch?" clint asked as he sat on one of the stools, you had already calmed down  "pasta" nat said as she sat down beside you to eat as well and soon everyone sat around the table and started devouring the food. halfway in bruce started a question  "so y/n...can you transform into a wolf on command?" you thought for a minute and told him  "I haven't actually done that, few months after being there I started to feel my wolf but once hydra knew, they somehow made her come on their command and forced me to change, they uhmm" you paused for a minute to try and stop your tears from coming, nat placed a comforting hand around your shoulder. you took a deep breath and decided to tell them 

"t-they made me kill. but I wasn't wolf was and under their control...i-i dint mean to..." you whispered the last part, fearing that they will hate you cause of the monster you are  "y/n your not a monster" wanda told you softly "but I killed innocent people!"  you told her angry with yourself to let that happen  "we all killed someone in our life y/n before we became who we are today, but you didn't do it on purpose. it wasn't your fault ok?" steve told you to which you nodded your head slightly while nat gave you a squeeze around your shoulder trying to comfort you. you guys continued to eat in silence until tony broke it 

"guys we got a little problem" tony said looking up from his phone so everyone turned to look at him including you  "what problem?" bruce asked, tony sighed "point break wants to bring reindeer games here"  everyone stopped what they were doing and a minute later it became chaos as everyone started arguing. once you were done eating you sneakily place your plate in the sink and went to the elevator. still, they were busy arguing and didn't notice you so you told Friday to bring you to an empty open area, so she brought you to the helipad.

it was empty.....quiet....and cool up here. you walked around for a bit enjoying the cool breeze that was blowing on your face, you felt so free up here, but soon with the breeze also came along a warm feeling in your chest

like something is trying to break free but you just brushed off the feeling since its the first time your feeling free. after walking around you decided to go and sit at the edge of the helipad and let your legs dangle off of it. letting your mind drift off to all of the unwanted thoughts, welcoming every single thing you could think of while sitting there. you've been up there for almost 15 minutes until you heard someone call you

a few minutes before 
everyone was still arguing and just as it could go further bucky realized something  "uhmm guys where's y/n?"  the whole room went silent for a few minutes  "shit we gotta look for her. and this conversation is not over. not like I want him here either" tony said strictly. mumbling the last part to himself to which clint heard and snorted, he ran off to your room while everyone scattered around the tower to go look for you  "y/n? y/n!?" tony knocked on your door frantically and when you didn't answer he opened and just went in. when he saw you weren't there or in the bathroom, he started to panic a bit  "god where did she go?" he muttered under his breath while running out of your room to see everyone there "is she in her room?"  clint asked  "no she's not. Friday is she still in the tower?" tony asked, not even sure if your still in the tower " yes sir, ms y/n is at the helipad"  "what the-"  tony said and immediately ran and took the stairs while everyone followed

once they got there they saw you sitting at the edge of the helipad "y/n?" that's when you turned around and saw everyone standing there with a look of worry across their face. you immediately got up and went towards them  "what's wrong did something happen?"  you asked confused and a little worried but tony just pulled you into a hug and started scolding you like scolding a little child  "kid don't leave like that without telling us, you scared the shit out of us"  you were confused "i-I'm sorry. I saw you guys were arguing about something so I thought I'd go and roam around. this place looked nice so I stayed for a while, I didn't mean to worry you guys"  you said innocently and look up at his face since you were shorter than him. tony just sighed and broke the hug but held you at arm's length  "fine I can't blame you. but next time tell one of us before coming up here ok?" you grinned and said ok which brought a chuckle out of everyone. as you guys started walking back inside, steve snuck up on you and threw you onto his shoulder to which you shrieked and started yelling at him with laughter as well  "put me down~" you whined as steve carried you all the way to the living room and then gently placed you onto the couch. you had a grumpy face with a pout and your hands folded at your chest, steve just ruffled your hair and went off to talk to tony. they continued their conversation while you and the twins watched tv to pass the boring time

I know it's boring but please bear with me, it's my first time writing an avenger fanfic. soooo I'm sorryyyy once again but please do vote for it if you liked it

The Broken Wolf (Loki X fem Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora