chapter 2

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Within exactly ten minutes, they made it back to the tower. After landing on the helipad bruce appeared in front of the quinjet, tony informed him about their arrival and about the mysterious little girl that was tied up to an electrocuting chair. once again cap carried you bridal style and walked to the medical ward to get you checked up, he gently placed you on a stretcher in the ward, you were still out cold. none of them noticed the collar around your neck until thor did "what is this thing around the young lady's neck?" tony took a closer look and was pleasantly surprised, he only recognized it cause he had to make something similar for loki before "guys that collar prevents someone from using magic in any way or even any sort of powers" 

"that means she has powers." clint deadpanned "yes birdbrain but the problem is we don't know what it is that she has" tony answered "then we'll just have to wait for her to wake up for those answers" cap replied knowing tony very well

"Why don't we try and remove it? maybe she has healing powers or something" bruce suggested "well I don't think that's a good idea bruce" nat said with a hint of worry in her voice 

"come on guys what's the worst that could happen" Tony said, a hint of playfulness in his voice "tony wai-" before nat could even finish what she was saying tony unlocked the collar around your neck, and in an instant, your hair color changed to white and your skin became pale. everyone in the room was surely surprised to silence, till bruce broke said silence. "she's healing herself" bruce said referring to the monitor "so that conforms she has powers cause she can heal herself rather faster than any normal human can" tony replied looking at the monitor too.

"But why did her hair color change and her skin become pale?" steve asked rather confused at your whole appearance change "I don't know so we're gonna have to let her recover for now if we want answers" bruce replied. everyone sat there in silence for a while in their own thoughts, wondering what you are, what you've been through at hydra, and why they needed you.

tony's pov
we were all sitting in the medical ward waiting for that kid to wake up and it has been almost 2 hours since then. first of all, we couldn't leave her here all alone after seeing her whole appearance change after removing the collar, and because of that, the team doesn't trust her yet except me, steve, and nat. I don't think she's dangerous after seeing how scared she was back there

"how about we head back up first and one of us stays here and keeps an eye on her" 

"I'll stay and you guys head back up" cap told us "fine by me capsicle" but just as we were about to leave I saw her fingers twitch and then she groaned in what one could only assume is pain. and the first thing she did was panic, breathing heavily, clint had a tight hold on his bow to which I sent him a glare but he still didn't stop and that's when steve approached her "hey kid calm down it's ok you're safe ok? we're not gonna hurt you" that's when she opened her eyes and looked around the room with fear in her eyes and that's when I noticed her eyes were blue from brown

y/n pov
I just wish I never woke up, my head feels like someone is splitting it into two and my whole body feels so numb. I don't even remember what happened earlier, all I can remember was me almost being killed but someone.....someone stopped it and brought me out of that place. what if they're here to experiment on me and torture me too...maybe they lied to me. god someone please kill me already I can't take this anymore. wait who's that...why do I hear someone talking to me. "hey kid calm down it's ok you're safe ok? we're not gonna hurt you" his voice is...soft and calm...I open my eyes to see a group of people standing there, who are these people?!  and where am I!?

tony's pov
everyone saw her wake up and sit on the ward bed with a panicked look in her eyes and the first thing she did was bring her hand to her neck, the grip clint had on his bow didn't decrease but increased. everyone saw tears well up in her eyes and the first word she said was "are you gonna lock me up again?" That was enough to break my heart "kid listen no one is locking you up ok? now just calm down. how old are you?" I asked her calmly hoping she would calm down a bit "e-eighteen" but the minute she laid her eyes on clint's bow aiming at her she started shaking badly. she slowly got off the bed and walked back "p-please i-i won't hurt anyone...please don't shock me again" she chocked out with tears running down her eyes "CLINT enough already PUT your WEAPON down" I said sternly and he finally lowered his bow

"ok everyone calm down already!" cap yelled to which she flinched but slowly started to calm down. Steve held his hand out to her "take my hand, no one is gonna hurt you here. it's just that we didn't know if we could trust you that's all. we won't hurt you I promise" steve slowly approached her and held his hand out to her. "i-i might h-hurt you...I can't control it I'm mons-ter" 

"kid your not a monster. now let us help you, I promise you won't hurt us..." I told her softly reaching my hands out to her as well. ever so slowly she moved to grab my hand and once she did I pulled her into a hug and she slowly started to cry in my chest "you're ok kid... you're ok" I told her reassuringly and that calmed her down.

no ones pov
after the commotion that happened earlier, they all made their way to the living room and sat down around the couch "ok kid we're just gonna ask you some questions ok?" tony told you, you tensed up at that. you gave him a slight nod and looked up at him, he froze for a minute after looking at your blue ocean eyes

after a few seconds of being caught up with your eyes to which you were clueless, he got back to the question "what's your name kid?" "y/n" you replied quietly "ok y/n why were you locked up at one of HYDRA'S base?" clint jump straight to the main...

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after a few seconds of being caught up with your eyes to which you were clueless, he got back to the question "what's your name kid?" "y/n" you replied quietly "ok y/n why were you locked up at one of HYDRA'S base?" clint jump straight to the main question which earned a glare from steve and tony "I was there almost my whole life, I was their t-test subject. but I do remember that I was around 2 when I ended up in their hands" "how about your parent's lady y/n" thor asked "U-Uhm my parents...they were killed when I was taken" "I'm so sorry for what happened to you" steve replied to her with sympathy and pain "it's ok" you replied quickly "soooo y/n. what powers do you have?" bucky asked and everyone turned to look at gulped nervously thinking to yourself that it's gonna be a long day

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