chapter 18

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you woke up with a splitting headache. your whole body felt sore, just as you were about to move you felt something tight holding your hands and legs down onto a table. the memories of hydra drowning you once again

all the shock they'd give you, from the needles to drowning you and cutting you open to see how long you could take it. they'd do it until you could no longer stay awake from the pain

"I see you're awake" no no no no, this couldn't be happening, was all you could think of. The same scientist from when you were at hydra was right in front of you again, with the same stupid smirk on his face. you were beyond terrified but refused to show it.

"looks like you've gotten stronger than before....I guess we'll just have to change that, aren't you excited?" he asked with a terrifying smile. you couldn't find the guts to talk to him, the memories still fresh in your mind "let me go....please" you said, your voice betraying you showing him how much you were afraid of him

"aww why ruining the fun now hmm? let us get started now shall we?" he said with a sickening grin plastered on his face while holding up a syringe full of some green liquid " no no pleas let me go LET ME GO!" you yelled and screamed but no use. even after tugging at the vibramium cuffs until your wrist bleed, nothing were at your doom, that is unless your new family comes and saves you

back at the compound 
everyone was sitting around the living room, steve, and bucky drowning in some conversation while occasionally laughing at the things they were talking about. tony and bruce also drowned in a conversation about a project they were working on with peter and lastly clint, nat, wanda, pietro and sam watching tv. where are thor and loki you may ask? well they have gone back to Asgard to sort out a little problem. while the team was oblivious to the chaos that is about to happen, that is until 

"sir, an incoming call from Mr Parker" isn't he supposed to be in class? tony thought to himself before telling Friday to answer "answer it Friday" by now everyone stopped talking to see why peter called while he was in school, and when he answered a very worried peter's voice went across the room 

"MR STARK WE NEED HELPPP!" that was enough to get them to suit up "kid! where are you?" he asked back, worry settling in as he ran out to the elevator "at midtown high, we can't hold him any--" when tony heard him groan in pain, his heart skipped a beat. he was panicking at this point "peter?! shit! we're on our way kid..language" he said as he got to the quinjet and heard steve say 'language' from his seat "shut it capsical! my kids are in danger, friday! take us to midtown high!" worried for his kid and daughter who might be in that fight as well, injured....or worse...dying...


when they got there they did not expect to see a huge hole at the side of the school. and tony knew exactly where that place is, he immediately flew towards the broken library with the rest of the team tagging along behind "wtf happened here" clint asked as they entered the building through the hole. Steve was too busy worrying along with the team about how their two favorite bubbly children were to notice what clint said "peter!?...y/n!?!" tony yelled while walking through the place

wanda used her powers to lift the broken concrete off the ground, the minute she did they did not think their peter would be stuck under there. bruised, bleeding and uncounsious "omg peter..." tony said under his breath and flew to him, picking him up off the ground in the process and placing him near the team "bruce! we need you here now. peter's hurt badly" after telling bruce the situation through the coms he went to search for you 

"y/n!! can you hear me?! are you in here?!" when he heard nothing but his team chattering he told Friday to search for any heat signatures "Friday. scan the area" "scanning....there seem's to be no other heat signatures located in this building sir" "tony!" sam yelled "what?" he asked as he got down "peters beginning to stir awake" Natasha answered for him, at the mention of peter he was by his side in an instant "peter?" he asked quietly and when peter gasped awake they were relieved. but it all went away with what he said 

"y/n! where's y/n?! Mr stark, he took her. I tried to stop him but he knocked me off again and made the library fall on me. Mr stark, he took her, we need to help her. we need to--" he was cut off by tony pulling him in a hug "we'll get her back underoos, but we're taking you back to the medbay first. no excuses. come on" he said and helped peter get up and into the quinjet

once they got in and got peter sedated they sat there in silence while heading back to the tower. everyone was worried about you and also worried about how they were going to tell this to loki, not sure what you're going through right now or where you are. but one thing's for sure, they were determined in getting you back. no matter what

hi there I'm back from the dead, sorry for not posting. here's the next chapter, hope yall are doing well and like this chapter

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