chapter 19

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it's been three days since you were taken and tony has been racking his brain on trying to think of where this guy might have taken you to, even peter hasn't left tony's side and has been trying to find a way too, but to no avail. they were kinda grateful that Loki and Thor haven't gotten back yet, cause one. none of them know how to explain to the possessive god about his girlfriend being kidnaped from school

tony was on the verge of a panic attack, worried for his daughter. scared to shit that he won't be able to see you again

"hey tones....found anything about her?" steve asked as tony stopped by the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee, but he sighed in return and just shook his head not trusting his voice at the moment. they stood there in uncomfortable silence for a moment before Tony decided to head back to the lab and continue his search for you

 but instead, they both got startled by the thunderous sound that just came for a split second from the helipad, and on cue, the rest of the Avengers came out from their rooms with a worried look on their faces

"sir pointbreak and reindeer games have arrived" Fridays voice rang through the living room. if they weren't as worried as they were now they would have snickered to the name. they all waited anxiously as the elevator came to a stop at where their at and out came thor and Loki

"ah why hello everyone, it took longer than we actually thought" thor said casually as he went over to the couches and took a seat while Loki, on the other hand, was skeptical to why everyone looked so anxious. cause since when did stark sweat like that, and he looks like he saw a ghost

"is something wrong?" he asked after a minute and searched the room for a certain someone but couldn't find them "and where is my dear y/n? is she in her room?" at that question, they all looked nervous. so he did the only thing he was not supposed to after changing for his love, he read their minds

the minute he read it, he was furious. the next thing you know Tony was pinned to the wall with a hand choking him. preventing him from breathing "where is she?! I leave you with her for three days and you lose her like that?!?" "brother! let the man of iron go! now!" "Loki let him go, he has been trying without sleep to find her--" a voice interrupted them all

"Mr stark!! I think I found her!" he said but was terrified by the sight of what was happening. Loki glared at him one more time before letting him go and sighing at the same time "I'm sorry, stark" they were surprised but didn't make any comment on it, he gave him a nod before dasing of to peter to see what he found

everyone followed the two geniuses to the lab to see it as well, Loki being the first "after going through all the files, even the ones related to hydra. I found this(pointin at some shit, yall imagine it please~) base. it says it was ambushed by you guys a few months ago" "that's where we got y/n out from" said bucky from a distance "yeah, but one of them escaped while you guys were taking care of the rest. it says here that he was the one that led the entire base"

"so now wherever he is--" "is where y/n's at. we find him we find her" loki cut clint with anger evident in his eyes 

"we'll find her brother" Thor said softly to which loki sighed and mumbled a little 'sorry', ever since he started dating you he changed. To a much better person and since then he has gotten much closer to his brother. They were as close as they were when they were children but Loki still loves to prank his beloved brother no matter what

tony sighed wondering how he was going to find that son of a bitch but told the rest to go to the living room at the moment so they can continue they're search to find you. in that three days, peter hasn't gone to school as well, you were taken on Monday, and now it's Wednesday night. the school kept calling may and tony but none of them paid attention to it as they were worriedly searching for you, may was fond of you too after you guys started hanging out at his place with ned and MJ on weekends


at 12 a.m tony told peter that he should go back to school and that he'll call him when they find out where she's being held at. Peter reluctantly agreed and went to bed that day, with one thought in mind. Are you ok? did they hurt you? those were the only thing swarming his mind

The next day he got up early and got ready for school but before he went he thought of going down to tony's lab to see how he's doing "Mr starks lab please Friday" "sure thing Mr parker" 

blueprints were everywhere, and tony was in the middle of everything with holograms surrounding him. he quietly left and got down to the black car that was waiting for him, Happy drove him to school and unlike all the time he was quiet today. happy knew what was going on so he didn't question either

once they reached he got out and said a small 'thank you' and left. This time he didn't even bother trying to hide that he came out of an expensive car like the rest of the days he does when he stays with tony. instead, he went right in and waited at his locker for ned and MJ since he got there early. with his parker luck, nothing goes his way

"hey penis!" in return he just groaned and ignored flash for the millionth time in his life "where's your little girlfriend huh? don't ignore me parker?!" flash yelled before punching him in the face, he could already feel a bruise forming around his eye "leave me alone flash" he said as he got up just as MJ and ned appeared beside him helping him up "what? scared that your little girlfriend isn't here to protect y--" he got cut off by the bell "I'm not done with you yet penis" he sneered and left

"dude where were you for three days?" "yea loser, and wheres y/n?" peter sighed and started explaining what has been happening the past three days "got any update on her yet?" MJ asked with a bit of concern in her voice "'sigh' we know who took her, just gotta find out where he's at to find her" with that they silently made their way to their first class, physics.

"you're still gonna have to explain where you went to the principal, they're really confused to why you too went missing together" just as ned finished talking their teacher entered along with the principal and eyes landed on peter

"Mr. Parker, care to explain as to why you were absent for 3 days" just as he was thinking for an excuse his phone started ringing 'this day just couldn't get any better' he thought to himself before looking at the caller id, immediately he started to panic

"Mr. Parker. you know the rules" "but ms--" "nope. speaker. now" "ha, bet it's penis parker's little girlfriend" flash yelled from behind him 

he just sighed and answered to be met with yelling "PETER! Oh thank god you answered! we found her! we found y/n! we need you to come to XXXX warehouse! NOW! change into your suit and get your ass there. we'll meet you there spidey! I'll send you the coordinates just in case!" with that he ended the call "shit!" that was all he could say

"what is this parker some kind of joke?" flash asked from behind him as he got up to remove his shirt

"Mr. parker we--" they were cut off by peter removing his shirt to reveal his spidey suit underneath. the whole class erupted to whisper "ned! keep my bag with you! ill come get it later!" with that he put his mask on and swung off to where they told him too

"what the fuck!?" was all he heard before he left his school completely 

I'm gonna end this soon if there's anything yall want me to change please do let me know

and I'm planning on doing one-shots after this so just comment or message me what you wanna read 😊

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