chapter 9

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after those words left your mouth he stood there frozen. staring right through you and looking for at least one lie in what you said. but nothing, he slowly let go of your hand and changed back to his normal form, still looking at you but you didn't look away. suddenly he vanished leaving you standing there......alone. 

after standing there for a minute or so you went back into your room, grabbed your blanket, and climbed the stairs to the helipad. still, in thoughts, you walked towards the edge and sat there. unable to sleep at all you let all the unwanted thoughts in as always. welcoming the demons that lived in your head for years, letting them tell you what a monster you are, how everyone fears you, and that you'll never have a family because of what you are, you let them break the already broke heart.


it was morning already and you sat there the whole night, you had bags under your eyes and you looked a little pail due to no sleep. you normally didn't sleep properly and now that you didn't sleep the whole night it made things worst. you got up, stretched a little, and walked back down to the living room. you didn't want to see anyone there but to your luck, everyone was there.

"morning kid" tony said "mornin" and he clearly gave you that look saying 'if you don't tell me imma make you' but you ignored him and went to make yourself some coffee.

"y/n did you even sleep last night, you don't look so good"  steve asked a little concerned  "I did...sleep" you said while yawning, the thing you didn't notice was Loki staring at you. Steve was making pancakes for you as always, but while you were eating you almost dropped your head onto your plate of pancakes "that's it come on, you're going back to bed"  steve said while walking towards you and throwing you onto his shoulder, you tried telling him you were fine but were too tired to even move for some reason, not a normal tired though. 

after tucking you in bed steve walked back to the living room and gathered everyone there  "I think y/n is sick, she was burning up earlier and it doesn't feel like a normal fever" at that Loki look up and tony went off to your room to see how bad your fever is  "he has a soft spot for that kid" said bucky from the stairs  "yeah....he does. now come on let's go see how she's doing" nat said while walking off to your room

by then everyone was in your room and the sight they came to was really interesting. tony was stuck in your death grip, your legs wrapped around his hips while sitting on his lap and your head snuggled in the crook of his neck "y/n your burning up, you need to take these pills" tony desperately tried to get you to eat those medicines but you shook your head and whimpered painfully 

suddenly Loki appeared out of nowhere giving everyone a heart attack, he just smirked  "she's going through a moon fever, this happens every month for a werewolf but it hits twice than normal for an omega. that is the reason for her fever right now and no pills will work for this and they tend to get extra clingy like that" he said pointing at you

"then what will help?" tony asked while feeling you wrap your arms tighter around his neck  "I swear she's gonna kill me" tony muttered under his breath  "nothing can help really, a lot of bed rest should do. this normally lasts a week" he explained again  "and we should believe you?" nat asked judgingly, Loki just shrugged and pointed at thor  "you can ask my oaf of brother if it's true" he simply said to which everyone turned to look at thor 

"It is true" thor simply said "y/n you're gonna chock me to death" you slowly let go and looked at him and the position you're sitting on him, your face already looked flushed and this did not help. your face grew even hotter due to embarrassment  "i-I'm sorry" you said quietly while getting off him and laying down on the bed. you looked up to see everyone and even Loki, you smiled at him to which he returned a small one. 

"coldness will help though" he said, still looking at you. "but y/n don't you have ice powers?" steve asked  "I do but I was not born with it. it was forced so I still get affected by the cold" you explained but tony got a call suddenly so he went out to talk while nat adjusted the temperature of the room. few minutes later Tony came back in rushing "guys we got a mission let's go, ill brief you all later and y/n stay in bed till we come back. and you, don't try anything stupid" he said pointing at Loki later

soon everyone left leaving you and Loki in your room. it was quiet for a moment before he sat at the edge of your bed while the airconditioning cooled you down a little but not completely  "I'm sorry about yesterday" you said while looking at your lap, but you felt ice-cold fingers lift your chin up to look at those beautiful emerald eyes  "you have nothing to apologize for little omega, it is I that should. and I am deeply sorry"  he said while gazing into your blue eyes. slowly he took his hand from under your chin and placed it at the back of your neck too which you moaned from how good it felt. you heard him chuckle and hold you close to him in a hug

"no one has seen me past the monster I am but you, little omega....thank you" he whispered in your ear, you wanted to reply but his ice-cold hands and his minty scent were pulling you to sleep "sleep little wolf. I'll protect you" he whispered in your ear again and that was it, you drifted off to sleep feeling comfortable and protected in his arms.

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