chapter 10

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you woke up feeling a little better but still felt the heat, you were tucked in bed. you remembered how you cradled tony in your death grip and how Loki hugged you before you slept, your face flushed at the memory.

"well looks like your up" Loki appeared on your bed beside you "don't do scared me" you said smacking his arm to which he chuckled "well good morning to you too" he said chuckling more "good morning" 

"so how are you feeling today?" "much better--wait how long was I asleep?" you asked confused while looking at him  "well you slept the entire day and night" you stared at him shocked cause you have not slept for that long in your life  "well you did look sleep-deprived so you slept longer than usual, and not to mention your going through moon fever now so it just made things worst so now get ready you need food" he simply said leaving you no room to argue to which you left to go shower


after 30 minutes of a good cold shower, you came out and wore your clothes. as always a long hoodie and a pair of shorts, whenever you sat on the helipad you always had a small blade you found in the tower. you've been using that a lot especially when you're frustrated with yourself, that was the only thing that's been helping you cope with your feelings and the demons in your head.

you walked out to see Loki standing at your door "soooo are we friends now?" you asked him while walking to the elevator to which he gave a playful confused face "hmm I guess we are little omega" he said with a grin but before you could press for the lift he grabbed your wrist making you face him  "your not a monster darling. remember that" he told you softly to which you blushed at the nickname but nodded your head.

once he let go of your wrist you pressed for the elevator and it took you both to the living room "where's everyone?" you were confused cause normally everyone would have been down here by now  "well they did say they were going on a mission yesterday, and they haven't gotten back yet" worry rosed in your chest, worried if they were ok and Loki sensed that  "don't worry little wolf. they will be fine, they're normally gone for a few days"  you just nodded your head and pushed all of the unwanted thoughts aside

Loki went and sat on one of the stools while you made some coffee for the both of you  "here" you said placing a cup of coffee in front of him "what's that?" he asked with a look of disgust on his face  "that is coffee. try it" he still didn't like food from here but he still took a small sip  "soooo?" you asked waiting for his reaction to which he just nodded his head "hm, Midgardian drinks are not that bad"  "soo that means you like it?" "yes I very much do little wolf" you grinned at his response


for the rest of the day, you guys just watched tv or either read a book. Loki helped you understand the words that you didn't know about cause you never went to school before and he understood why and he didn't question you further

"I'm bored~" you whined while Loki was reading something near the window "well what else would you like to do? you ate almost 5 boxes of those delicious Midgardian desert and decorated everyone's room. now you need to rest because your burning up again" he said while seeing how flushed you looked 

"but I don't want rest~....your cold" you whined and placed your head onto his chest. Loki was still not used to the company but still silently enjoyed it. hesitantly he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and guided you to the couch.

"your tired little wolf, rest" he said softly and cast a spell on you so that you'll sleep. you murmured something but soon climbed onto his lap since he was cold and fell asleep. he didn't say anything but wrap his cold arms around you. one on your waist and one on your neck too which you sighed comfortably and fell asleep while burying your face into the crook of his neck.


by the time the team came back the both of you were fast asleep "well this is an interesting sight to come back to" tony said while walking off to his room, but thor was the most shocked one to see his brother this close to someone he barely knows, but deep down he felt happy for him.

"what in the world did the both of you do to my room!?"

you woke up with a jerk along with Loki while still on his lap, your face turned into a deep shade of red while Loki's cheek was slightly pink "looks like you two had a good sleep" nat teased the two of you who were already embarrassed to waking up like this. but the attention went to tony when he came out looking colorful. he was glaring at the two of you

"hehe.......surpriseee?" everyone just laughed at how he looked  "you're lucky you're not feeling well" he said and went to go and shower

Loki placed his hand on your forehead but instantly took it back to how hot you were  "y/n you're burning up terribly, this isn't normal for an omega"  you just sighed and placed your head back into his neck, he just sighed and placed his hands on where it's very hot. his hands turned blue and you moaned at how good it felt.

"why is that not normal?" bruce asked but Loki but he didn't get a chance to answer as you turned into your wolf form onto his lap to which he continued to pet you  "I don't really know. it's not normal, probably because she never got a chance to experience moon fever so now it's even worst but it'll go back to normal for next month"  everyone nodded their head but was still worried about you, seconds later screams filled the tower as everyone was covered in colorful paint 


for that whole week, you were clinging to Loki like a lost puppy but he didn't mind the company so he just let you snuggle up with him on the couch while he reads with a hand on your neck and in that whole week you managed to change into a wolf without feeling any pain, although it still felt weird, you were happy that you were able to change on your will and feel your wolf. you felt alive again. after your moon fever ended you felt bad for always annoying Loki that whole week so you decided to stay away from him for a while but that didn't end well

"has anyone seen Loki?" thor asked to which everyone shook their head, you felt guilty thinking that you were the reason for his disappearance "lady y/n do you know where he is?" you shook your head as well. once thor left you decided to go to the helipad and to your luck he was there, sitting alone with a book in his hand. you went over and sat beside him.

"l-Loki-"  "why? did you have fun using me, my trust for that whole week?"  you felt tears run down your face feeling even more horrible for making him think that you used his trust  "i-i didn't use you.." you said quietly and when he didn't reply you continued  "I felt like I already annoyed you enough that whole week so I just wanted to give you space...i-i didn't mean to--"  you were cut off by Loki pulling you into a hug. how much you missed his hugs and his minty scent for those few days  " you were never annoying little wolf. I enjoyed your company"  he whispered in your ear and pulled away to wipe your tears

you knew the minute you laid eyes on him that you fell for him. you tried pushing those thoughts away but it was hard whenever you feel yourself get lost in those emerald eyes. he pulled you onto his lap and held your cheek with one of his hands to which you instantly leaned into. the both of you sat like that gazing into each other's eyes, neither of you breaking eye contact, Loki as well knew that he fell for you the minute those words slipped of your tongue that day "do you trust me little wolf?" he asked without looking away and slowly leaning towards you  "I trust you"  you told him softly to which he showed you his precious smile, the smile he never showed anyone. and that was it, he closed the gap and you closed your eyes feeling his cold lips on your

the kiss was slow, passionate, and full of love. you melted into it, your lips moved perfectly in sync with his and once he broke it you gasped for air to which he chuckled, you feel your cheeks grow hot and you looked down fiddling with your fingers but he gently lifted your chin so that you can look at him  "I love you y/n,  no one has seen me past the monster I am but you. you trust me when no one does and I'm glad for that. and I love you for who you are little wolf" he said and pecked your lips too which you giggled  "I love you too loki, no one can change the past, but we can change our future and your not a monster" you said softly but with a playful glare, he changed into his jotun form. you knew why he did that so you just leaned down and kissed him again to which he gladly returned and changed back to normal form and the both of you sat there enjoying the presence of each other.

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