chapter 17

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it's been a month since all of the chaos that had happened and you were doing fairly good. had loads of training with Nat and Loki to the point you are stronger than ever and have even gotten closer with your wolf. It felt amazing to be this powerful but you knew that there was more to come, you even started going to the same school as peter

"hey y/n can you like chill my drink?" ned asked, "yea sure," you said as you began doing so, you guys were at the cafeteria and it had been about three weeks since you've started going to school and it's not as bad as you thought it be. you've become great friends with peter, ned, and MJ and started enjoying spending your time with them

"yo penis parker!" you heard someone yell out peters name and it made your blood boil, peter noticed this and gently placed a hand on yours "calm down y/n it's fine," he said "how is this fine peter, he's clearly bullying you!" you said as you saw flash get closer to the four of you "who's this penis your girlfriend?" he said mockingly and you couldn't sit quietly anymore. you stood in front of him and glared daggers at him "What, you think you can beat me? what are you gonna do cry?" he said after slapping you, everyone in the room stood up. your eyes were bright red already, burning with anger

you instantly turned into a wolf and heard multiple gasps in the room. flash's friends fled of while he stood there wide-eyed and with a slightly opened mouth, you gave a dangerous low growl making him tremble in fear "y/n! calm down. I'm here, we're safe we're not threatened" peter knew your wolf felt threatened especially towards the ones you love that's why she had this reaction. slowly you calmed down and turned back to normal but your eyes still red glaring daggers at him, Loki managed to find a spell to which whenever you turn into a wolf and turn back your clothes will still be there. so now you were fully clothed as you were "he does this again, I won't stop her from eating him" you said still glaring at him and left the cafeteria while MJ followed you.

"that....was close" peter told more to himself but ned heard him, flash still stood there frozen "you said that right" "wh-what is she?" "mess with the ones she loves and it'll be your worst nightmare" ned replied before peter could and peter just chuckled "come on ned, let's go find those two" peter said and ran off to where the two of you will be while ned followed close behind


"y/n! MJ!" peter was practically yelling around the whole school trying to find the both of you and ended up at the library "we're here losers" MJ casually said as they ran past them "god I was worried sick, if anything happened to you y/n I swear Mr.Loki would kill me" he said as he sat beside mj and ned beside you "come on pete~ nothings gonna happen to me," you said showing up your icy hands "yeah I know, and by the looks of it I think no one is gonna bother you again after today"

"Yeah, glad that's out of the way" mj snorted out to which you just chuckled. but unfortunately, good times have to just come to an end 

"GUYS DUCK!" as soon as peter yelled and ducked under the table with the rest of you guys an explosion happened right beside your table at the library, screams filled the room as everyone started to panic and at the same time the alarm was set off so the students and teacher could get out of the school safely "everyone alright?" peter asked while coughing  "yeah" ned and mj said at the same time while you stared at the broken wall in anger "I'm sure its hydra, peter! bring mj and ned and everyone out of here now! I'll distract them" you said as you got ready to fight whatever that was coming "you sure you'll be alright?!" peter asked with concern in his hazel orbs "yes. now go" a few minutes later the library was empty "well isn't it the ice princess" you saw a guy with 8 robotic tentacles. you didn't know who it was and what he wanted from you "who are you and what do you want?!" you spat at him with anger coursing through you "well I'm just following orders and helping out a friend" he said with a creepy little grin "hey guys, what are we talking about?" said spider man after landing right beside you "I see you've got help, just come with me and we can talk things out hmm?" he said "never!" you spat and froze his stupid-looking tentacles to the ground "I see we're doing it the hard way, very well" he said and broke free from your ice and started to attack as well 

the two of you have been fighting him off for at least 2 hours now, the library was totally destroyed, peter had a few blows and some cuts here and there but nothing serious. you had a few injuries as well but not as bad too "we have to call Mr stark, we can't keep going like this!" peter yelled from a distance, you thought about it before telling him to call him "Karen call tony!" as soon as he answered "MR STARK WE NEED HELPPP!" peter yelled while flipping of from one of his tentacles  "kid! where are you?" tony asked back "at midtown high, we can't hold him any--" peter was cut short after getting hit and flying off hitting the wall, groaning as he got back up "peter?! shit! we're on our way kid..language" he heard steve yelling from a distance at tony 

just as you got distracted you felt something pierce through your skin near your neck, just as you were about to yell towards peter you felt weak and before everything went black you heard peter yell "Y/N!"

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