Chapter Seventeen

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Keenan looked around at the small group of merfolk who had been privileged with an invitation to the one-of-a-kind wedding. It hadn't been easy to arrange, keeping it small and private when simply everyone wanted to be there. Not just for him and Zarina, but for the Sovereign and his bride.

They had decided to have a double wedding. Keenan and Zarina didn't want a big party afterwards while Sanyo and Aliya were going to follow their advice and throw a big party for everyone to come to at a later date.

The harpist, Javen, who had been taught by his mother, sat on a rock near the arbor and waited for his queue to begin playing. A nod from the Zarina's mother had his fingers moving across the strings to bring hauntingly beautiful music to the ceremony that promised of love for a lifetime.

Aliya entered, her dress of flowering seagrass, woven to fit loosely against her body from her shoulders to her tail, flowing gracefully against her black-tipped pink scales as she swam slowly forward, in time with the music, up to the arbor where Sanyo waited for her.

Then it was Zarina's turn, decked out very similarly, the weave a bit freer than Aliya's and allowing her violet scales to be the focus of her decorative ensemble. She went to Keenan with a luminous expression on her face and put her hands in his.

Investigators acted not only as just that, but as judges as well. Keenan's second in command waited for them to look at him, then motioned for them to go ahead with their prepared speeches.

"Aliya, when I first met you, I didn't know what love meant. But loving you has taught me so many things and, today, I'm proud, proud to promise you my life and heart for the rest of our days together," Sanyo told her, speaking from his heart, his eyes glowing with the fierceness of his feelings for her.

Aliya valiantly fought back the threatening tears and struggled to find her voice. "Sanyo, you are my world. It's as simple and as complicated as that. I love you more than I love myself and I can't wait to find out where our life together is going to take us."

The investigator nodded to Keenan and Zarina.

"Zarina, you complete me. You're my friend, my savior, and my partner in every way. I love you and will cherish every moment we have together for the rest of our, hopefully, very long lives," Keenan pledged.

"I love you, Keenan. I can't imagine my life without you and am so blessed that you're the one for me forever. You have my heart, my soul, my trust...and my collection. I'm looking forward to combining them," she told him, to the amusement of their onlookers.

A light wave of chuckles went through the small group.

"With these pledges, you are no longer counted as separate beings, but as one," the Judge announced, smiling at each couple in turn. "May your lives be long and fruitful."

"May your lives be long and fruitful," those in attendance repeated joyfully, blessing the union.

With those words, they were officially wed and the brief celebration they had decided to have began. The merpeople celebrated weddings more than any other event. There was music, dancing and laughter and no one, typically, went home for days on end. This was an exception, of course, and would only last the night.

For the merfolk, marriage was a sacred and lifelong vow that could never be dissolved.

The two couples moved away from the arbor to mingle with their families and closest friends, receiving well-wishes and doling out hugs and handshakes.

"I'm so happy for you," Kina told her son, hugging Keenan fiercely. "I wish you both all the joy and happiness in the world."

Zarina was given a hug as well, Kina embracing her as a new member of her family.

"Father," Keenan greeted as Traven gimped forward as well.

"I'm sorry," Traven said simply, at a loss to truly explain what he was feeling, the regret and guilt for his mistreatment of his son. He'd blamed it on the constant pain he was in, but it wasn't a good enough excuse. Not when he'd been causing the ones he loved most to suffer with him. It wasn't right, wasn't fair to them. It was one thing to commiserate over pain together, it was quite another to lash out at others, hurting them to force them to feel as miserable as you. "I'm going to try to be better," he promised sincerely. Keenan's confrontation had been a wake-up call for him, reminding him of his life-long quest for honor and loyalty for the Sovereign. He'd turned his back on his honor when he'd been convinced that his Sovereign wasn't worthy of his loyalty. The result of his disenchantment, along with his chronic pain, was that he lost sight of what truly mattered to him. But he wouldn't give in to that temptation anymore. He was going to treat those around them as they deserved from now on. With the love, respect, and kindness they'd showed him when he hadn't deserved it.

Keenan took a breath and gently wrapped his arms around his father. "I love you, Dad," he replied, forgiving him readily and more than happy to start fresh.

It was a good day for new beginnings.

Javen continued playing softly on the harp while everyone chatted, keeping it as simple background music until conversations began to dwindle. He then picked it up, playing a jaunty tune to encourage dancers.

"Come on," Sanyo said to Aliya, taking her hand and spinning her into his arms. "Let's show them what dancing is all about."

Aliya laughed happily. It had taken them years to do it, but it was finally done. They were married and their lives could now, finally, really begin. No more sneaking around and hiding their feelings towards each other, they could truly be the husband and wife they'd wanted to be from the beginning.

They were truly free, the dream they'd been living becoming a reality as they danced into their future together.

The End

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