Chapter Eleven

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Moira spotted him first, surprise and hope flaring to life at the sight of him returning. "Trent, come on, let's see what he wants," she called to her husband, leaving the reef to catch up to Keyvon, calling out to him.

Keyvon stopped and turned to face Rave's best friend. Should he tell her? If he did, it would put them at risk. If he didn't, he would be crushing the bright hope of Rave's survival in her best friend once and for all.

"Have you found her, is there any news?" Moira demanded.

Keyvon was grateful that he could pause to think for a moment while Trent approached, as always, tucking his wife under his protection the moment he was within range. "I have news, but I can't share it with you," he said as honestly as possible. "It's for Rave's parents ears only."

Moira opened her mouth to protest, but Trent hushed her. "We'll find out soon enough," her husband told her. "Let her parents be the first to know whatever the news is."

Moira nodded her assent reluctantly.

"Thank you," Keyvon told them both, then continued on his way. He went directly to Maxine and Sven's home and knocked.

"Come in," a feminine voice called.

He hadn't met Maxine previously and there was a certain curiosity about her now that he hadn't had before. He entered their dwelling and studied his mate's mother with interest. She was quite beautiful. Coral orange hair and scales, turquoise eyes. She was still grieving, but she had such a positive outlook, so much hope and happiness to fill her that the pain wasn't nearly as bad as he'd been half expecting. Her inner joy made her even more beautiful. Just like her daughter.

"May I help you?" she asked, obviously surprised that it had been a stranger at her door.

"My name is Keyvon. I spoke with your husband some time ago and promised to return if there was any pertinent information about your daughter's disappearance."

Maxine sucked in a deep, bracing breath, swallowed and nodded. "Please," she invited, clasping her hands together anxiously, "tell me what's happened."

"Sven isn't home?"

Maxine shook her head.

"I would've preferred to tell you both, but I'll leave it to you to pass on the information." He paused to gather his thoughts. He'd gone over what he was going to tell them time and time again, but now, faced with Maxine's beautiful spirit, he couldn't go through with his original plan. "She's alive and well."

Maxine nearly collapsed with the force of the relief she felt at the news. "Is she safe? She's not trapped in some horrible laboratory or something?"

"I can tell you she's not in a lab. She's safe and as happy as she can be without being here at home with you."

"Thank you." Maxine studied him carefully, seeing past her anxiety now to the man. "You know her."

He nodded.

"You'll be going back to her?"

"If at all possible." The date he'd prearranged with Herbert to return was set. He just needed to get back in time for it. If he didn't, Herbert was to break the news to Rave that he was presumed dead and likely wouldn't be back.

Maxine moved closer and gave Keyvon a warm hug. "Thank you. If you make it, send her our love and let her know we approve."

Keyvon nodded gravely. "I will."

"Go with God."

Keyvon paused at the door. "No one but your husband can know the extent of what I've told you and you've figured out," he warned gently.

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