27 ~ Camp Stories 2

Start from the beginning

"So you can let your fucking deadbeat dad hurt my mom!" I fume running to my bed. I look under it and grab a metal bag.

"No, I-I don't have a choice," Zach says as I walk over to the door. He stops me. "You shouldn't," he warns.

"Zach are you kidding me right now! Your father may beat the shit out of you but he's not touching my mom!" I argue. Zach looks fairly stronger than his dad. He never hits back, I wonder why.

"He has a gun," he whispers. That's when it all starts to make sense. Why Zach is so afraid.

"And I have a fucking bat. May the best man win. I'd advise you to jump out the window in approximately 7 minutes," I tell him, opening my door. He slams it back closed.

"Don't kill him. Or hurt him. You're just going to get yourself killed," he tells me.

"I'm going to get a few hits in at least," I push Zach out the way and head over to the kitchen. Dale is shouting at my mom as she's in tears and I take my bat and swing. Pummeling him in the side and back of his head. He knocks over and quickly pulls out his gun. I use my bat to smack it out of his hands. Eventually I throw away the bat and tackle him. Fist after fist, blood splattering everywhere as I slam his head into the ground repeatedly and punch him over and over again. I stop immediately hearing the cocking sound of a gun.

I slowly turn back seeing my mom hold a gun pointed at me. "Are you serious," I croak out.

"Let him go or I'm shooting you," she cries out. I see the bruises all over her, the drug hunger in her eyes. Yet she still chooses this deadbeat over me. I look behind her seeing Zach. And then sirens. He called the cops. I quickly get off Dale leaving him unconscious on the floor.

"Alright I'm leaving," I slowly put my hands in the air as I walk back to my room. I find a lighter and light up the two books I have in my room. I pack a bag as the fire grows before jumping out of my window and running.

I went a few days living homeless until they found me and arrested me. I was taken into custody, interrogated and thrown in jail. With no money for bail. Eventually court cases came up and Zach told them every single thing I did. Luckily because of my drug addict mother and excellent grades held in school. They let me go to the camp. Or else it would've gotten 15 for aggravated assault, attempted murder and arson. Unfortunately the bastard dale survived after his coma of 16 days.
Shawn's POV - Over - Charm's POV

"Damn," I breathe out.

"Damn fucking right," AJ holds out his fist and bumps Shawn's.

"Hell yeah," Tristan says.

"Wait if you don't mind me asking. Where are they now?" Dylan asks politely. Shawn looks to Zach for an answer.

"Don't know. I left them afterwards and that's when I started boxing. I slept at the gym, got a job and saved up for a place. Recruited to the mafia and yeah," Zach explains. He's come a long way.

"And I was at the camp. Met Chase and you can figure the rest out from there," Shawn grabs his drink.

"Yeah you got a snitch for a brother," Tristan mutters. Zach pushes him off the couch and we all laugh.

"We were like 14, maybe 15. Don't blame him, I would've done the same," Shawn laughs.

"Alright, one last story. We have to get up in like less than 6 hours," Chase says, stretching his arms out. He wraps them back around my waist.

"How about Charm? We haven't heard hers yet," AJ says.

"Uhh sure. You guys already know my charges
aggravated assault, aiding and abetting, arson, burglary, disorderly conduct, drug possession, extortion, joyriding, minor in possession, perjury, probation violation, possession of handgun, shoplifting, theft, threats, vandalism and whatever. But I'll just tell you about the last time that led me to the camp," I explain.

"Alright so what a year ago almost now...

11 Months Ago

"I'm telling you we'll have fun," Colin assures. I face him still tired.

"If I get arrested it's your fault," I tell him.

"We aren't going to get arrested. Trust me," Colin kisses my forehead and I groan getting up.

"Alright, fine. But you're buying me ice cream," I tell him as I put my shirt on over my head. I get out of bed and clean up the bottles of alcohol.

"Deal. Let me shower first," Colin jumps out of my bed and jogs straight into the washroom. "Join me!" He shouts.

"I'm cleaning!" I shout back.

"Fine," he huffs out and I laugh.

"Damn Colin shut up," I whisper. He laughs as I unlock the car door with a hanger. "You want to drive," I ask. He nods, getting in the driver's seat. I run around the other side and get into the passenger seat.

"Alright, ready," I ask, hotwiring the car from under the dashboard. "Wait, stop!" I tell him as I see a cop car out of the rear view mirror. He's a few yards down.

"It's fine I got it," Colin assures.

"Do it and I swear on Satan's ass I'll slit your throat," I shout frustratedly. Colin and I begin arguing.

"Just wait it out you impatient fuck. You're going to get me locked up. This is my last chance," I remind him, looking out the window. I can't get arrested again. After more talking with Colin he ignores me and pulls out of parallel parking. Once the police sirens sound and the blue and red lights flash. Colin speeds up.

"They what!" I shout.

"They searched your room. Your parents found drugs and alcohol and gave it to the cops," Mr. Curto explains. I roll my eyes taking in deep breaths.

"The drugs aren't even mine. They're Colin's," I try to explain.

"We are going to have a hard time explaining that to the cops. They're already not pleased with the high-speed chase and Colin attacking a cop," he explains and I sigh.

"Alright well at least I made bail!" I cheer. Mr. Curto places his fingers on his temple and points to the door with his other hand. "Yeah, yeah. I know the drill. See ya Curto!" I shout walking out.

"Stay out of trouble until trial!" Mr. Curto shouts.

"No promises!" I shout back in a singy songy voice.

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