26 ~ Camp Stories

Start from the beginning

I press on the gas taking a short detour. I know how to get back on track. As I keep driving I notice the one police car is now four. They increase by one every four minutes I've been driving. I make a sharp right turning back onto the track where I'm placed in 3rd.

One car ahead of me pulls over off to the side after noticing the seven cop cars behind me. Probably an ex-convict trying not to get charged again. I continue speeding until I hit the back of the car in the first place sending his car out of control. I try not to look back as I pass the finish line. I usually don't play dirty but I will if I have too.

I hit the emergency break and yank forward as the car stops. I take off the seatbelt quickly and get out of the car. The crowd cheers but when the police finally catch up. Everyone makes a run for it.

I throw my hands in the air knowing the drill. I've been arrested for reckless driving countless times. But usually I'll either get a speeding ticket or easy bail. Considering this is like my 50th time. I doubt I'm getting off that easy.

And I didn't. I had the option between seven years or this stupid camp. I chose the camp. Turns out Daniel had been the one who set up the whole knock me off track and called the cops. I should've known. No one got half a million either. I got disqualified by default for going off track and no one else made it to the finish line. They all fled as I got arrested.

Hendrix's POV - OVER -
Back to Charm's POV

"Damn Hendrix. I mean you may not have won the half a million but at least you won us. I open that's better than half a million," I say sincerely.

"Nah! It's half a million. I could buy friends with that for cheap," Alex jokes. I take a throw pillow and whip it at his face. "Ouch. Joking," Alex rubs his nose as we all laugh at him.

"If I'm being honest, yeah. It is better," Hendrix says.

"Wait but how did you end up being class 1 at first? Street racing is class 2," AJ asks.

"You left something out," Chase intervenes.

"Okay, okay! When the cops arrested me I accidentally punched one of them and ran before I got tackled. I tried fighting back so I could escape because my dad would lose his shit if I got arrested again. But that didn't work and I got tazed. Plus it wasn't my first charge of assault," Hendrix explains and we all nod our heads accordingly while laughing a little.

"I was just a 16 year old scared shitless of his dad. AJ you're up," Hendrix says.

"Alright well get ready for a boring story I guess. This was what two maybe three years ago," AJ says.

AJ's POV - Three Years and 2 Months Ago

"Yo! AJ," I look over at my teammate and best friend Ryan. "Hot bitches and drinks tonight after the game, my place. You in," he asks. He throws his arm over my shoulders as we walk down the school hallways.

"Hell yeah dude," I high-five him, continuing to walk down the halls.

"Good and control your anger. We don't need you benched again for fighting. You're our best player," the bell wins indicating we're officially late for class. Ryan let's go of me and runs off to his as I walk across the school.

"Hey babe," I wrap my hands around my tiny girlfriend's waist and breathe out. She giggles, wrapping her hands around my neck as she spins around. She kisses me before pulling away with a pout.

"I can't skip this time. I have a test and so do you," she reminds me. I roll my eyes.

"I'm already failing. What's one test going to do," I question.

"You know AJ you could be so smart if you tried you know. Last year you got straight A's and this year you aren't even passing your grade," she rambles on about how smart I am. I don't care.

"I'm gonna go smoke. I'll see you later," I kiss her cheek walking away and ignore her calls for me. Eventually she gives up and walks to her homeroom.

"Johnson! Here," I turn around to see Coach Benson. I approach him but take notice of how he doesn't look pleased with me.

"What's up Coach," I ask.

"You can't play tonight. School rules, you failed three classes already this year and you're failing 2 right now. The others aren't even above 60%," he explains.

"What do you mean I'm not playing tonight," I ask calmly. But I can still feel the slow anger rising in me.

"School policy. Until you can get your grades up to at least a C, you're benched Johnson," he clarifies before walking off. I ball my hands into fist ready to punch something.

"AJ! You good man," Ryan asks, approaching me.

"No I am not good!" I fume punching a locker.

"Oh shit. Man calm down you're like a fucking beast when you're mad," Ryan quickly leads me away from the huge dent in the locker. "What's up," he asks as we reach his lockers.

"Coach says I'm benched until I can get my grades up," I confess as Ryan rummages through his locker. As soon as the words fall from my mouth he slams his locker closed.

"What," he asks.

"You heard me," I retort.

"This is bullshit. You're our best player what the fuck man. I'm going to- no. We're going to us and the whole team," Ryan smirks mischievously.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Us and the whole team before the game. We are going to make Coach regret ever benching our best player. Ready for some fun Johnson," Ryan looks up to me. I nod agreeing.

But I didn't have any idea what I was in for. Who knew a harmless prank could cause such harm

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