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I was in a state of shock that I wasn't really sure what was happening, I felt numb once again.

I had switched to auto-pilot completely shutting down. I was there but I wasn't really there. I walked to geography and took a seat near the back once again by the window.

All I could focus on was English and how those two monsters would be there. 


T H E O D O R A 

My heart pounded through my chest with every step I took.

Geography class had gone by quicker than I had hoped for and now it was time for English. I was sweating profusely and my anxiety was at its peak. I knew they couldn't do anything in the class but that fact didn't help to calm me down much. 

Thankfully neither boys were in class yet. With shaky hands, I placed my books on the same table from yesterday. I kept my focus on the trees outside, watching how they swayed in the direction of the wind, the occasional leaf or two slowly falling from the tree only to be met with bright green grass that laid below it peacefully. 

I jumped when a bang sounded beside me. 

"Woah why so jumpy?" Zach laughed, I took a second to try and regain my composure. Unfortunately at that moment, Michael and Jack walked through the door, Michael winked at me and I wanted to throw up. I quickly averted my eyes to try and stop myself from going back to that moment. Sadly, it was no use the scene kept replaying in my mind. 

"You okay Theo" Zach asked me concerned. I prayed he didn't notice the horrible exchange between me and Michael. 

"I'm fine" the less I said the better I thought to myself, I wanted nothing more than to be back safe and sound at home with my brothers. It was so hard to hold back the tears that threatened to break free any minute. 

The entire class I felt Michael's eyes burn a hole through the back of my head. My hands were shaky every time I tried to take notes in a weak attempt to focus on class and not on the monsters behind me. My leg was bouncing up and down non-stop throughout the class. 

Now and then I saw Zach look in my direction, his eyebrows furrowed. A part of me wanted him to catch them staring at me, to warn them to stay away. However, another part of me wanted nobody to find out, because I'm too ashamed, too embarrassed. 

The bell finally rang signally the end of class and the beginning of lunch. I hastily snatched up my books and hurried out of the room, not giving Zach a chance to talk to me. 

"Theo Wait!" Zach shouted after me, I checked to make sure that neither Michael nor Jack were behind me before I waited for him. He quickly caught up. 

"What's wrong? why are you in such a hurry?" I wanted to tell him so badly but the words got caught in my throat and before I could piece anything together a hand snaked around my shoulder. 

I froze, knowing exactly who it was. 

"Well well, what do we have here huh Jack?" Michael held on to the side of my arm so tight I knew a mark would be left. 

Amongst the ChaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang