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"Thanks Matteo" I said genuinely, Matteo didn't have heart to hearts like these often but when he did I always appreciated them.

He simply nodded and left me with my thoughts once again. 



The first thing I felt waking up was pain, my head was throbbing and so were my hands.  Why does everything hurt? I sat up and immediately regretted it once I felt a sharp pain all over my torso. I lifted my shirt and my stomach was black and blue. What the fuck happened last night? Why am I on the couch? Who the fuck did I get into a fight with?

I laid back onto the couch trying to gather my thoughts, I was so drunk I can barely remember a thing. As I lay there trying to piece random memories together Matteo walked in dressed and ready to go somewhere. 

"Oh you're awake" His tone was cold and distant, this didn't surprise me since all of my brothers have acted like this towards me this past week and I don't blame them. 

"Where are you going?" I asked him as I stood up shakily, I closed my eyes for a moment to stop the room from spinning.

"Well not that you actually care I'm going to take over from Christian at the hospital to spend time with Theodora. He has college this afternoon and the twins are at school." He grabbed his keys and motioned to leave. 

"Wait, Matteo!" I called after him before he could leave, I'm sure he must know what happened last night. 

"What Luca?" He spoke impatiently and this made guilt flood through me, what have I done.

"Where's Gabriel?" Matteo didn't mention him and this had me concerned automatically.

"He's at work not that you'd know" He sneered

"HEY I've done nothing but hold this family together for years and just because I have a bad week you all treat me like I'm some horrible person" I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. 

"Luca, Theodora is in hospital in a coma healing from sepsis for over a week now and how many times have you visited her?" He asked conveying nothing but sadness and pain. I froze at his question. I haven't visited her once since that day at the hospital. 

"I-I " I stuttered before Matteo sighed. 

"Do you even remember what happened last night? what you said?" Fuck, I don't and he knows this. 

"Get your shit together Luca we're all struggling right now but that doesn't give you the right to let your guilt destroy everything in your path" He opened the door but before he left he said one last thing. 

"Because you're hurting all of us around you and you don't even realize it" He slammed the door and left me standing there, tears pooling in my eyes and my breathing becoming erratic. 

I've fucked up bad. 

I trudged into the kitchen and rested my hands on the edge of the island, What the fuck did I do? 

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