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I leaned forward and was about to check her temperature but jumped back....



I could hear the faint sound of voices around me, huh? I thought I was getting ready for school? Why am I back in bed?

As I lay there drifting in and out of a light sleep it came back to me, I had gotten ready for school, and while waiting for the lazy-ass twins to get ready I fell asleep. 

I was slowly waking up and once I opened my eyes I saw a hand coming towards me. I instinctively jumped back and let out a sigh of relief when it was only Christian. 

"Fuck! Theo you almost gave me a heart attack!" Christian shouted, again I jumped back, as you've probably noticed I don't do too well around loud noises. 

"CHRISTIAN LANGUAGE!" Luca, who I only noticed now, yelled back at his brother. All of the shouting only exacerbated my headache and I let a groan of pain slip. 

"Theo honey" I followed the voice to see Luca, he knowingly smiled at me 

"You sure you want to go to school? you don't look too good Tesoro?" He gently stroked my cheek and I found myself leaning into that comfort I've so longingly wanted. 

"I'm fine guys really" I heard a scoff and turned to Christian

"Really I feel perfectly fine, besides I can't miss the first day, I don't want to be the new girl who is late to her first week" I whispered the last part, I don't want any more attention than necessary and I know that if I arrive mid-week people will notice even more. 

"Theo, it doesn't matter if you go in today or Friday, you'll be a new student on both days people won't notice anything other than a beautiful new princess that has graced their presence" I chuckled at Luca's attempt to comfort me. However, I already made my mind up and I was excited about school. Compared to other kids my age I enjoy it. I like learning new topics, theories, and ideas. 

"But I want to go" I spoke softly

Both Christian and Luca sighed, it looked as though both of my older brothers had given up on their attempt to make me stay and not go into school. 

"If you feel even the slightest bit unwell you're to go straight to either your brothers or the nurses' office okay?" Luca told me sternly

"Okay" I gave them an appreciative smile that they let the topic go. 

At that moment, the twins and Gabriel finally arrived. 

"I finally got the spawns of satan to rise and they're ready to go" I turned around and so the twins still half asleep but nevertheless dressed and ready to leave. Just then Matteo walked in, car keys in hand. 

"Right I'm driving you guys so let's hustle." He didn't even wait for us to respond, I got up with minimal struggle and once again strapped my bag to my back, waving goodbye to my other three brothers. I was following right behind Matteo and when I looked back in the kitchen I saw Luca and Christian talking to the twins, no doubt telling them to keep an eye on me. 

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