Everyone looked at Taehyung and Taehyung rolled his eyes "yea yea yea" he said and walked to the metal back door. Taehyung grabbed the doorknob and easily broke the lock, pulling the door open.

"Good job Tae, okay stay here and wait we'll be back soon.. Let's go soobin" Jin gave Taehyung a quick headpat then pulled soobin into the building. Soobin held onto his tranquilizer gun with a tight grip as him and Jin carefully and quietly walked through the hallways, doing their best to avoid any cameras. "How will we know what room Beomgyu is in??" Soobin whispered to Jin.

"Uhm.. I don't know but my best guess is we find jimins office and maybe we can find where he's keeping Beomgyu.. Lucky for me I've been here before so I know where it is.. Just follow me" Jin said and found a back stairway. Soobin watched behind his back as they went up the stairs. Soobin suddenly bumped into Jin

"Why'd you stop.. Oh.. "

On the stairway sat a small girl, she looked around the same age as jungkook, but she was just skin and bones. She was definitely a hybrid, soobin could see her ears.. A poodle hybrid?

Her eyes where wide as she looked up at Jin and soobin, her mouth was bleeding and she had tears falling down her eyes. "Oh my god.. Are you okay.. " Jin Approached her slowly and kept a low calm voice. The girl shook her head and opened her arms, she didn't look as if she could talk but one thing was for sure. She needed help, she wanted help.

Jin immediately went by her side and used the sleeve on his hoodie to wipe the blood away from her mouth. Soobin stood there shocked at the scene. Is this how Jimin treated all of his hybrids, even if hybrids are look at as pets, they're still people.. They're still living breathing people.

"She doesn't look well at all.. Soobin I gotta help her.. Can you walk.. " Jin asked the girl. She nodded softly and Jin helped her stand up.

Soobin snapped out of his daze "wait hyung, if your gonna leave at least tell me where the office is" soobin watched Jin help the girl down the stairs "upstairs, second door to the right, I'm gonna take her to Taehyung and Jungkook and I'll come back quickly, I promise" Jin looked at Soobin with worried eyes.

Soobin knew Jin was telling the truth, he trusted his brother and he didn't want to stop his brother from helping an injured hybrid. "Okay.. Just be careful" soobin said softly; Jin nodded "you be careful okay??" Jin said back to soobin.

Soobin and Jin gave each other a nod and went separate ways. Soobin carefully and quietly made his way upstairs.

Soobin opened the door to the second floor and walked into the hallway.  Second door to the right..

Soobin stopped walking in his tracks when he came face to face with two hybrids. The hallway stayed silent, soobin felt his heart beat pick up as he held up his gun "I'm sorry, i don't wanna hurt you so this is the best option" soobin said in an apologetic voice.

"Hey wait! -" the male hybrid yelled but it was too late. Jin told soobin not to trust any hybrids no matter what, although he's the same one who just took a hybrid who needed serious help; soobin still listened to Jin's words and shot the Two hybrids.

The other hybrid hissed in pain before he passed out and fell to the floor along with his friend.

"God this place is honestly scary" soobin quickly walked down the hallway and went to the second door on the right. He wasted no time opening the door and walked right into the office.

Soobin looked around as he walked deeper into the office "Beomgyu? Baby bear are you here?? " soobin called out. God where is he? Beomgyu desperately just wants to save beomgyu.

Soobin felt his heart crumble as he fell to his knees. If Beomgyu wasn't here then where could he be??
Soobin felt his eyes burn as tears came to his eyes.

Suddenly Soobin heard scratching.. Scratching? Soobin looked around and slowly stood up. "baby bear?? Beomgyu" soobin slowly walked behind the desk and looked under it.

There Beomgyu sat, tied to the desk with ducktapr on his mouth. "Oh my god Beomgyu! " soobin quickly got down and took the tape off of Beomgyus mouth. He quickly untied beomgyu and Beomgyu jumped into his arms.

"Soobinie! Came por me" beomgyu cried as he held onto Soobins jacket tight. Soobin hugged beomgyu back and rocked back and forth. "Of course I came for you.. Oh my god your face what happened? Who hurt you?? My poor Beomgyu" soobin looked at beomgyus face and noticed a bruise on his cheek. Beomgyu just Whimpered and hugged Beomgyu.

"Wanna go home binnie... " beomgyu muttered softly. Soobin stood up and held beomgyu tightly, this time he wasn't gonna let go no matter what.

"Don't worry.. I'm gonna take you home and well make some cookies and watch anything you want. I even got you honey cookies" soobin rubbed beomgyus back as he walked to the door.

Soobin reached for the door knob, but before he could open the door the door opened. Soobin took a quick step back and wrapped both of his arms around Beomgyu in a protective way.

"Well well well.. What are you doing with my prized possession? "


I've missed writing so much and I'm so happy to be writing after a. Long time. Life has been So rough rn. I'm really focused on my last year of school so hopefully this upcoming thanksgiving break I can write lots more.

Please look out for more chapters and pls pls take I to consideration of reading my new book Royalties! It's a huening siblings book and soon I'll be realising the first chapter!

I'll see you all soon again

I didn't proofread this so sorry for any spelling mistakes lol

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