"I'm sorry, Creator. But we need some sort of blueprint to begin construction, and none of us can make one ourselves." Pedro added, making you ponder.

"Hmm... stay in the village. I will scour for people with at least some common knowledge about architecture in this world." (Y/N) pondered, scratching his chin, but someone talked to him in the Hive Mind.

"Creator, the J'avos in the Ninth floor have discovered a pod in one of the areas. I have instructed them to not go near it." Radames reported to you through the Hive Mind.

"Thank you for reporting to me immediately, Carla. Go down to the Ninth floor and investigate. I'll be with you shortly." (Y/N) answered, pulling out of the Hive Mind.

"Well, it seems this project will be postponed for a bit, Gentlemen. Stay on the farms, for now, enjoy some fruit and whatever the Bakers have cooked. I assure you, it will be delicious." (Y/N) said, pointing to the Baker's residence.

The food Marguerite serves is actually delicious now that it's not human guts... maybe the sisters would enjoy her previous cooking. (Y/N) escorted the two to the Baker's house and said goodbye for now.

(Y/N) left and went inside the Laboratory. He looked at the mouse enclosure and didn't see Radames there. It seems she already went down. (Y/N) walked to the elevator and went down himself.

"A pod? I think I know what's inside." (Y/N) smiled as he went down. The elevator arrived and he walked outside to the city. He sighed, seeing the vast map he had to traverse.

"Where is the pod located, Carla?" (Y/N) asked, wishing that it was somewhere near.

"In the underwater facility, Creator." Radames answered, (Y/N) thanked her and got off the Hive Mind before screeching an ungodly sound in frustration.


After almost an hour of flying over the map, (Y/N) arrived at the entrance to the underwater facility.

"Woah! HAOS." (Y/N) said in awe, seeing it still inside its chrysalid. (Y/N) passed it and arrived at the area where the pod is. It's in the escape pods.

"I think I know who this is!" (Y/N) said in a singsong manner. He opened the hatch and found Piers Nivans inside.

"Shit! They actually did it!" (Y/N) screamed in joy, seeing him still alive... even though he actually died in Canon.

Piers Nivans was another character heavily discussed if he should be added or not. Sure, he was infected, but he was a good guy in the actual game.

What about Rachel Foley? We don't know why she was allowed... maybe this was the reason those tasked on Resident Evil 6 made him secretly and were now just getting discovered.

"Creator!" Nivans said, kneeling down. (Y/N) shook his head and helped him up. Surprising the J'avos and Radames.

Piers Nivans was one of (Y/N)'s favorites which weren't as lucky as Chris or Leon to stay in the game... if Ethan Winters was here, he'd be so happy too. He was actually planning on making his character but the guild disbanded before he could.

"Piers Nivans at your service, Creator." He saluted. (Y/N) laughed at this and inserted all that happened to his brain through the Hive Mind, keeping him updated.

"You need an architect outside, Creator? May I accompany you?" He requested.

"No, Piers. I need you to stay here and make more J'avos and other zombies." (Y/N) ordered. Gesturing to the J'avos outside the pod.

Umbrella Corporation (Overlord x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora