"Shut up, dog." Ciel turned his face away, and Sebastian slipped his fingers under Ciel's belt buckle, pulling him forward hard, jerking the little Lord closer. Breath caught in his throat, Ciel looked up at Sebastian and felt that newly familiar ache in his groin. He pressed his hands against Sebastian's stomach, pushing him back a bit, giving them a little distance.

"Don't be bitter because you lost. It was your game, Bocchan." One more jerk of the little Earl's hips to get his point across and Sebastian began to unlatch the belt, shorts following, leaving Ciel standing there in his dress shirt He tugged at the length of it, looking down at his bare legs. "And your idea to gamble, as I recall." Sebastian smiled sarcastically and went to the bureau to select a night shirt.

"I still think you cheated." Sebastian laughed heartily and came to him once again, fingers now diligently unbuttoning the little Lord's shirt, slipping it off over his shoulders. The bruises left along his hip and down the side of his neck stood in stark contrast to the pale, porcelain skin. Sebastian paused, looking him over, seeing the marks he had left behind for the first time since that night. It was no wonder his Master was still furious, such blatant evidence of Sebastian's carelessness. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself, lowering his eyes as he slipped the night shirt over Ciel's shoulders, buttoning it quickly. Seeing his own bruised handprint about Ciel's hip made him fight a smile, and he could barely gaze upon the now healing wound at the side of his neck without the memory of his Master's taste drawing up his hunger. Ciel looked away as he felt Sebastian's eyes examining him, the look in his eye not of concern but of some lecherous intent and satisfaction that Ciel couldn't know. "Are you proud of yourself? Now that you've seen what you've done?"

"Master, I..."

"Of course you are. It's what you wanted." Ciel turned away and crawled up into the bed, slipping his legs under the covers, leaning back against his pillows. He slipped the eye patch off his head and tossed it casually on the nightstand.

"Bocchan... you know I..."

"Jesus Sebastian, stop. Stop talking. Nothing you say is going to vindicate you. Nothing you say will make me hate you less." Sebastian was taken aback by the abrupt words, and lowered his head a bit, taking a seat on the side of the bed. Ciel shifted away, drawing his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on one, mismatched eyes examining the comforter. "Just... bring me another brandy..." A nod and Sebastian brought the decanter over, another ounce of brandy in the glass, then he offered it to Ciel, who snatched it from his hand quickly, looking down into the glass as Sebastian sat on the bed once more, a snapshot of their previous evening together. There was a heavy moment of silence before Ciel took a drink and closed his eyes. "This is the only time we will ever discuss this."

"Of course, Master. I am a man of my word." Ciel scoffed quietly and looked back at Sebastian, his eyes glassy, partially hidden by locks of bluenette hair.

"After the fire, after they took me from the manor. They had me in the cage for days, and one of them came, after the others were gone." Ciel gazed down into the glass once again, his voice was quiet, and he sighed. "He came every night. At first, he promised me everything would be fine, that they would let me go. After a few days I knew he wouldn't, but I wanted to trust him. And... I suppose I did." He lowered his knees, crossing his legs beneath him, burying his free hand between his ankles, the other trembling softly as it held the glass. Sebastian furrowed his brow, opening his mouth to speak, but Ciel continued. "He made me trust him. Once he had what he wanted, he left me there... for the rest of them." There was a little quaver in his voice, and he cleared his throat, two swallows draining the glass and he held it out to Sebastian, who took it, but didn't move from his place. "He left me there naked, and bloodied and... used. Ruined." A silent tear slipped down his cheek, and he wiped it away quickly with the back of his hand. Clearing his throat once more, he tried to steady his tone, but there was no real use. Sebastian could see and hear the raw emotion and no amount of hiding it would make it any less obvious. After a moment to compose himself, he finally continued. "Once he'd had what he wanted he gave me to the rest of them. I never saw him again. And then later you came and offered me a way out. And I took it." There was a long, weighted silence between them, the only sounds were the occasionally sniffling of the little Lord and his soft breath.

"I... I was not fully aware. Master I..." Ciel glared at Sebastian, jewel tone eyes shining, wet with angry tears he tried to will away. Sebastian reached to wipe away a tear, his voice smooth and calming. "I will never leave you. I will be by your side even at the end. You know it is our contract." He pushed Sebastian's hand away and there was an audible click in his throat as he swallowed hard once more, clearing his throat before he continued.

"Yes." Ciel whispered softly, looking back down at his hands. Another tear fell and he wiped it away almost angrily, swiping at his cheek with his fist, sitting up straight, eyes still avoiding contact with Sebastian's. "Yes, the contract." Sebastian reached out a hand, slipping his fingers under Ciel's chin to force their eyes to meet. Ciel tensed a little at the touch, but let his damp, mismatched eyes meet Sebastian's for the first time since he started his story. Ciel blinked a few times, another tear spilling down his cheek and Sebastian wiped it away with his thumb.

"Bocchan, are you under the impression that our contract is the only reason I've stayed by your side?" Ciel nodded softly, pulling himself away from Sebastian's gentle touch, bringing his knees to his chest once again and wrapping his arms tightly around them. Sebastian looked almost hurt by the affirmation, his voice soft but insistent as he continued. "Master, I do not have to stay here. I do not have to serve you as I do, nor do I have to tend to your wellbeing. I could more easily take your soul, right now, and find myself another Master." Ciel dropped his eyes again and Sebastian lifted his head once more, cradling Ciel's cheek in his hand, thumb wiping away another tear that spilled from the amethyst eye. "Do you think I must be loyal to you, or truthful, or that I must be bound by some moral code?" Ciel didn't respond, his lip trembling softly, on the verge of dissolving into a mess of tears. "I do not have to do any of those things." Sebastian smiled indulgently and leaned forward, pressing his lips softly against Ciel's forehead. Ciel let a little sob escape his lips, and Sebastian gathered him up in his arms, pulling the little Lord into his lap, cradling him as he cried, rocking him gently, cooing softly against his ear, the same gentle tone Ciel had heard that night coming from Sebastian's room. "Bocchan, my little kitten, I would not leave you, nor trade you, nor neglect you... you are mine, and I will be by your side, always."  

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz