Chapter 37

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Fitz's P.O.V.

"No? What do you mean no?" my dad demanded. It was pretty much the reaction I was expecting. 

"Well... I found someone, but I just couldn't," I explained. I presumed he would start going on and on about what a terrible mistake I'd made, letting someone go, but he just sighed and nodded to my mom. 

"Yes, dear," my mom replied immediately, reaching into her purse. She took out a small wallet-sized picture and handed it to me. "That is Julie." 

I inspected the picture, wondering why this had any significance to me. The girl looked around my age with short brunette hair and sparkling green eyes. I supposed she was pretty, but not nearly as beautiful as Sophie. 

"Okay...?" I answered uncertainly. "And why does this apply to this situation?" Biana gasped, realizing it a second before I did. 

"No!" she exclaimed. "This wasn't part of the plan! This wasn't supposed to happen until at least a week!" 

"Biana, please go to your room," our mother asked. "This is strictly between your brother and us." Biana's face crumpled up and it looked like she was going to burst into tears for a second. I had no doubt she was thinking the same thing as me: if our dad already set up my marriage, there would be no going back to town. And that meant not attending our friends' double wedding and not seeing someone special to us. 

"Please don't tell me this is already confirmed," I said pleadingly. I knew it was bound to happen, but not this soon! 

"It... It's already set up, son," my father answered with a sigh. "We just... We figured you wouldn't find someone." I'm sure he was trying to put it nicely, but it was clear what he meant: they didn't have any faith in me. 

"Fitz, please do try to understand," my mom pleaded. "We thought it was for the best. And Julie is a nice girl, we met a few days ago." 

"A few days...?" I echoed, feeling slightly sick. I couldn't believe it. They didn't even wait a few days before deciding I was going to fail. 

I faintly remembered assuring my parents I was fine before stumbling up to my room and collapsing onto my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to dream this all away. All I wanted was to be with Sophie. But clearly, the universe had other plans for me. 

"Fitzy." Someone gently shook me and I opened my eyes to see my sister staring at me. 

"What?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"She's here," Biana whispered. I didn't know what she was talking about, but I certainly hoped she was talking about Sophie. 

"Really?" I asked, getting out of bed immediately. 

"Yes, really," Biana sighed. I wondered why she looked so down. After all, I figured she'd be ecstatic to be with our friends again. 

I quickly changed in my closet before rushing down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. 

"Where is she?" I asked my mother urgently. She looked shocked that I was down so quickly, but smiled a moment later.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're feeling much better today," she said happily. "Right this way." She led me to the dining room where I could see a girl sitting at the furthest chair. But... But she wasn't blonde. She was the opposite, actually, with short brunette hair. And when she turned around, I realized my mistake and froze. 

"Hi! Nice to meet you." 

"Um... Nice to meet you, too..." I drifted off but came back when my mom nudged me. "Right, sorry. Nice to meet you, too, Julie." 

My mom squeezed my shoulder reassuringly - although it really didn't work - before leaving the two of us alone. 

"Would you like to take a seat?" Julie offered. I was about to shrug but then thought better of it. It wasn't her fault I was in this miserable position - for all I knew she was in the same miserable position. But if she was, she certainly wasn't showing it. 

"I know this is all kind of weird, having an arranged marriage and all that, but I'm sure we can make it work!" Julie smiled sweetly and looked at me expectantly. I managed to give a half-hearted smile back. 

"Yeah, sure," I replied. I had imagined who my dad would've chosen to marry me. But I never expected her to be so... nice. It made everything so much worse. In fact, I would've rather she hated my guts. But it really did seem like she was eager to try and make this work, which seemed all the more unfair that I wasn't as devoted to this relationship as she was. No, my heart belonged to someone else and nothing - not even sweet Julie - would change that. 

"Okay, well..." Julie seemed to lose some of her excitement. "I can see you're still a little... hesitant about this. I'll give you some time alone." I felt terrible for having to do this to Julie, but I couldn't help my feelings. I couldn't just force myself to fall in love. Instead, I just nodded gratefully as Julie stood up and silently walked out of the room. 

Everything was just wrong. That was the only word I thought fit this situation: wrong. And unfair. It was unfair to Jule, it was unfair to Sophie, it was unfair to Biana, and it was unfair to me. I just wished that for once in my life, things would finally go my way. That I'd get just one happy ending. But the universe seemed intent on making me as miserable as possible - I just couldn't ever catch a break! 

Each time I started getting hope, something smashed it back down. And each time I finally had a chance to be happy, something got in the way. The bottom line was, the universe hated me. I wasn't sure why, though. Perhaps it was punishment. But I honestly would endure all the punishment in the world, no matter how hard, if only it meant I had even the tiniest sliver of a chance of being with Sophie. And soon I would find out whether or not the universe would actually grant that wish. 

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