Chapter 28

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Sophie's P.O.V.

The waltz? I thought in my head. The waltz was a type of dance and I was clumsy, so... Definitely not a good combination. But what could I do? Leave? That would send the wrong message to Fitz. It's not like I didn't want to dance with him, more like I just knew I would completely fail at it. 

"Alright, now we shall begin," Sir Lampton announced. He demonstrated the footwork and where the place the hands and all that, but if I was being honest - it all went over my head. So as a result I was left completely baffled when it came time to actually dance. 

"Um..." I glanced at the other couples to try and see what I was supposed to do. It looked so complicated! Why was this so complicated? And why was I overthinking everything? 

"I'm sorry, Fitz, I can't do this! I can't dance. It's just a fact," I sighed. "If you don't want to dance with me, I completely understand." Fitz looked at me curiously in a way I couldn't decide was good or bad. 

"Why wouldn't I want to dance with you? It doesn't matter if you can't dance - I can't dance either!" I slightly relaxed - just slightly - and did my best to copy Sir Lampton's movements. 

"I'm just worried," I told him. About ruining everything, I added in my head. 

"Well, you shouldn't be," Fitz assured. "It's not like I'm qualified enough to know whether you're dancing correctly or not." I smiled and nodded, but that really wasn't why I was worried. It was less of how bad I was at dancing and more of what that would mean to Fitz. If I was a terrible dancer, did that make me a terrible girlfriend? And if I was a terrible girlfriend, Fitz would never want to go out with me! Not that I wanted to go out with him. I don't think. Maybe a small part of me did? But it didn't matter anyway. 

"Wonderful job everyone," Sir Lampton congratulated, except I had a feeling he meant everyone except me. 

"Isn't this fun?" Biana asked as she twirled closer to us. 

"Not really," I murmured. Biana smiled quickly to Tam before grabbing my hand and pulling me closer.

"Come on, Sophie, we're going to the bathroom," she informed me. 

"The bathroom?" I asked. "But I don't need to go to the bathroom." Biana raised an eyebrow and looked at me intensely until I agreed. 

"Alright, alright, fine," I gave in. 

"Perfect!" Biana squealed, back to her usual peppy self. She raced off towards the bathroom dragging me behind, but she didn't actually go in the bathroom. 

"Uh, don't you need to go to the bathroom?" I questioned. 

"Oh, heavens no," Biana replied. "Do you know how dirty public bathrooms are?" 

"Um... Okay... Well, then why are we here?" Biana made a deal of sighing as loudly as she could. 

"Sophie! Don't you get it?" she asked. I cocked my head to the side. What was Biana talking about? 

"No...?" I answered hesitantly. She sighed once more before explaining what it was I was supposed to "get". 

"I set up this whole thing so you and Fitzy could like... Get together!" she exclaimed. "Obviously." 

"Wait- what?" I shook my head to try and clear the confusion. "Why? It's not like we like each other or anything." Well, maybe I did, but I couldn't say the same for Fitz. 

"My brother really likes you and I really hope you like him too," Biana said - which I found extremely random. Why would I really need to like Fitz? I mean, I certainly did, but why was Biana so invested in our relationship? 

"Um... Why?" I asked curiously. Biana covered her mouth with her hand. 

"Oops... Uh, never mind!" she said suspiciously. "I've said too much. Now let's go back to dancing!" She raced back towards the dance room before I could ask any further questions. 

"What was that about?" Fitz asked when I returned. "Did she interrogate you?" 

"Huh. She actually did. How did you know?" I asked. Fitz shrugged. 

"She tends to do that a lot," he simply explained. "Especially with all the staff to try and find out where they hid all the sweets." 

"Staff?" I echoed. Fitz turned a little red for some reason. 

"Oh, well, my father just... um, it's not really important," he assured. But I begged to differ. Fitz lived with staff members. Was their house really that big? And were they really that wealthy? I thought I had gotten over the whole thing, but apparently not. I could just pretend the fact didn't exist. 

"Sophie, um..." Fitz drifted off before starting again. "I just, I hope that doesn't change anything?" 

"Why would it change anything?" I asked, not quite meeting his eyes. I tried to focus on just dancing. 

"Well, just because I live in the mountains in a mansion, it really doesn't mean I think any less of you. In fact, I think you're the most amazing person I've ever met." I blushed but refused to believe it. 

"I think you're overexaggerating," I told him. "I'm just a simple, common girl in town who owns a vet shop." Fitz stopped dancing for a moment and I froze. 

"You're much more than that, Sophie," he told me. "I know it, I just hope you know it too." 

"It's just hard to remember sometimes," I sighed. "I mean, it's not like I'm special. Or anything but ordinary. And I'm reminded of that pretty much every day." 

"Sophie, you save lives every single day!" Fitz exclaimed. "I wish I did something half as important as your job. Or had half as many loving friends." 

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm absolutely certain that everyone in this room considers you their friend," I said with a smile. "Except Sir Lampton," I added. Fitz grinned back one of his charming smiles that created butterflies in my stomach. 

"I really like you, Sophie," he suddenly said. "I think you're kind, funny, sweet, beautiful, and a really wonderful person." I gazed into his eyes and didn't reply. Instead, I went ahead and did something stupid, foolish, and impulsive. 

I kissed him. 

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