Chapter 30

814 11 3

Biana's P.O.V.

"Well, for a fancy restaurant, the food wasn't that bad," Sophie remarked as we left the building. 

"You say that as if all meals in fancy restaurants are bad," Dex lightly reprimanded. 

"Because they are!" Sophie insisted. "Well, most of them." 

"I just like all food," Keefe informed us all. 

"Yeah, I know you do," Marella replied. "He'll literally eat anything. Anything," she added to the rest of us. 

"Well that's just weird," Tam scoffed. 

"Tammy!" Linh scolded. 

"I thought we agreed not to use that name anymore," Tam reminded. But apparently, Linh didn't remember that conversation at all. I had a feeling it actually never happened. 

"I don't remember that..." Linh murmured, trying to think of the conversation that had never occurred. 

"Because it never happened," Marella gently explained to Linh. "Also, I can't believe you invited Mark! You need to stop inviting random people. What if they're like, serial killers?" 

"But Mark wasn't a serial killer!" Linh insisted. "He's a waiter!" Marella sighed deeply. 

"Fine, fine, but no more inviting random people!" 

"Okay!" Linh replied cheerfully, just glad she had been able to keep Mark on the guest list. I was glad about that too. I always thought that if there were more people, there were more chances of having a super fun party! Not that a wedding was a party, but it was a party of... sorts.  

"Uh, moving on," Sophie intervened. "Can we finally go home? My legs are killing me." 

"But you're not even wearing heels!" I pointed out. She was wearing tennis shoes which I definitely disapproved of. Especially with a formal dress!

"Still," Sophie protested, "can't we just go home? Or, homes?" I grinned because, well, we would be going to a home. The night wasn't over just yet!

"Yes, we may go home," I responded very vaguely, trying not to reveal the movie- Don't even think about it! I scolded myself. 

"Home?" Fitz repeated. "You do realize we don't all live in one home." 

"But that would be super fun!" Linh exclaimed. "We should totally do that. Maybe with a beach house in the summer." 

"That does sound super fun," I agreed. "But right now, we need to choose a home to go to." 

"Please don't tell me there's a game awaiting us in one of the houses," Sophie sighed. 

"Nope!" I was willing to reveal that much to my friends. But definitely nothing more than that. "Okay, now everyone has to pick a number between 1 and 10," I instructed. Whoever was closest would win the joy of having their house be the center of fun!

"3!" Linh quickly answered. "I've always loved that number." 

"Um... 6.89," Dex replied next. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Really, Dex?" I asked. "Just pick a whole number. I didn't think I'd need to make that clear." 

"Fine, I'll round up. 7," he revised. 

"156," Keefe told me. Marella rolled her eyes. 

"1 and 10, Keefe, 1 and 10!" she exclaimed exasperatedly. 

"Oh," Keefe said. "Then 0." Marella didn't even bother this time. 

"He picks 4 and I pick 5," she answered for him. Keefe seemed satisfied with his option.

"Alright," I said, taking mental notes of who was in the lead. "Sophie, Fitzy, and Tam?" 

"Fine, I pick 2," Fitz reluctantly answered. He was obviously remembering the last time we'd played this game. It did not end well. Actually, it didn't end up well for him. It worked out pretty awesomely for me. 

"10," Sophie said absentmindedly. I smiled.

"Tam?" I asked once more. "You're the only one left." 

"It's really pointless," he told me. "After all, you already have a winner." I cocked my head, wondering if he actually knew who had won. 

"How do you know that? I could've picked one of the numbers left!" I pointed out. 

"But you didn't," Tam responded. 

"Okay, so what number did I pick?" I challenged. Tam was a lot of amazing things, but I was pretty sure he wasn't a mind reader. And if he was... well, I would find that extremely shocking. 

"Sophie won," he said simply. And I gasped. Because he was 100% correct. 

"How did you know!" I exclaimed. 

"He obviously cheated," Keefe scoffed. Tam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 

"I did not," he informed everyone. "I just simply know that Biana's favorite number is 10." Linh grinned... evily? No, perhaps mischievously was a better word. And with this... twinkle in her eyes. 

"And how did you know that?" she prompted. Tam froze and it seemed like he was at a loss for words. 

"Um..." he mumbled. I smiled at the thought that he had been paying attention when I was talking about my favorite number at dinner. I didn't know why we were talking about numbers - and it probably wasn't very important -, but it was just nice to know he was listening. 

"Okay! The winner is Sophie!" I confirmed. Tam looked visibly relieved the topic was dropped. 

"Darn," Sophie grumbled. "Why me? I don't even have the biggest or cleanest apartment!" 

"Because you won the game!" I said matter of factly. "So you win the pleasure of hosting all of us!" Sophie let out a long, drawn-out sigh. 

"Fine," she gave in, "but don't be shocked when you see how messy it is." 

And she absolutely was not kidding about that. It was clear as soon as we entered that this apartment hadn't been cleaned in months. 

"Wow, Sophie..." I murmured. "This is..." I paused and took a good look around the apartment. "You know what? This is fixable." I started my work and swiftly moved through the apartment, putting clothes into one pile, trash into another pile, and everything else into a final third pile. It was all sorted out in huge mounds in a matter of minutes. Apparently, I had a real gift for cleaning, as the maid in our mansion always told me when I helped her. 

"What in the..." Sophie seemed appalled that I had done it all so fast. But I wasn't done yet! I quickly moved on to shoving all the trash into one large trash bag, then went to folding the clothes. It got boring in the mansion, so to keep things interesting, we had a laundry folding competition every week with the entire staff. I always won. 

The miscellaneous pile was significantly smaller than the other two piles, so after I put all the neatly folded clothes in the closet, I placed the items where I thought fit. Like a small potted plant should go next to the kitchen sink. The cling wrap should go under the sink. And the cups - there were many, many cups - all belonged in the dishwasher. 

"All done!" I announced, dusting off my hands. 

"That is impressive," Marella remarked. "I've been trying to get Sophie to do that for years!" 

"It just takes a little bit of practice," I assured Sophie. "I'll teach you someday!" 

"Huh." Sophie still seemed surprised at her now clean apartment. "I have floors." Everyone laughed.

"I was starting to think you didn't," Dex said with a grin. I clapped happily.

"But not only does this mean Sophie gets to live sanitarily now, it means that we're ready for our next activity!" 

Sophitz: A Week to Find LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin