Chapter 33

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Fitz's P.O.V. 

Out of all the things Biana had us do today, this was definitely my favorite one. Well, the dancing came at a close second. Even though I didn't particularly like dancing, I really did like doing it with Sophie. And that kiss... I have to say that was a surprise. But I have to say I did enjoy it. And the best part was that it practically confirmed she liked me. 

"EEEK! OH MY GOSH, THIS IS SO..." The sudden shout startled me but wasn't surprising at all. I figured Linh would scream eventually during this movie. Except none of the actual action had even begun yet. 

"Linh!" Tam exclaimed. "Why are you shouting?" 

"Because Peeta said he had a crush on Katniss," Linh informed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I can't believe it! I just knew this would be a beautiful romance movie." Tam sighed.

"Really, Linh..." he murmured. 

"Just let her be," Marella said with a grin. I had a feeling she was waiting until Linh's reaction to all the violence. Although I hoped it wouldn't be too large of a reaction since Sophie was currently asleep. 

I gazed at her for a few moments, smiling. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. And I certainly wouldn't want anything to disturb her.

"Hey! Fitzy!" I rolled my eyes as I recognized my sister's voice. 

"Biana," I whispered, "go back to your spot!" Biana had literally climbed over multiple pillows and people to get to me. 

"But I need to talk to you!" she said urgently. 

"Fine, but keep it low," I agreed reluctantly. "Sophie's sleeping." 

"Yes, speaking of Sophie," Biana added, completely ignoring what I said about keeping her voice down. "Have you told her about your situation yet...?" I looked at her curiously for a moment.

"What situation?" I asked. Biana sighed heavily and shook her head reprimandingly. 

"Have you already forgotten!" she scolded. "You know, the deal with dad?" I froze as I remembered what had happened just a week ago. I was so preoccupied with today that it had completely slipped my mind! 

"Well?" Biana prompted again. "Did you ask Sophie?" I shook my head to clear my thoughts. All except one. Should I ask Sophie? I hadn't asked her yet, but... the question was, should I even ask her? 

"...No," I told my sister. "I haven't." 

"Well do it soon!" she exclaimed. "This whole thing was so you could find someone. And now you've found the perfect someone! If you don't do it now, you'll never do it." 

"But Sophie's sleeping right now," I pointed out. Biana rolled her eyes.

"I meant like soon!" she explained, exasperated. Then she disappeared back towards her seat. My eyes lingered for a second in the darkness before going back to Sophie. 

She really is the perfect girl, I thought. But in my head, it sounded sadder than I anticipated. I expected myself to feel overjoyed if I had ever actually met that perfect someone. But now that I had, why was I feeling this way?

"O-Oh... m-my..." Linh's voice slightly trembled. "W-What...? W-Why...? H-How...?" Her eyes widened at the screen. However, it was already at the part where fireballs were shooting at Katniss, so I figured her reaction was sort of delayed because of the shock. 

"WHAT IS THIS TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE MOVIE!" she shouted, finally regaining her voice. "WHY IS EVERYONE DEAD?" 

"Linh, let's not overexaggerate," Marella said as if she was really trying to help. But I had a feeling she was just trying to have some fun with this. "It's only about half of everyone." Linh frowned as she stared at the screen. 

"B-But! A-And now with the, with the fire and the terribleness and it's just- I can't look!" She covered her eyes. The movie went on for a bit longer and Linh had her eyes closed the entire time. Katniss found a supply of water, but the Career Pack had spotted her and were now chasing her, so I decided that Linh would dislike this part as well. 

"Linh," Dex coaxed. "You can open your eyes now. It's not so bad anymore. Katniss even found Peeta!" Linh cocked her head as if slightly intrigued by this factor. She slowly lowered her eyes and saw Katniss up in the tree as she stared at Peeta who was among the career pack. 

"Why is he with them? Aren't they the bad guys?" Linh asked.

"Well, there's really no good or bad guys in this movie," Dex explained. "It's more about perspective." 

"Except for Snow," Keefe pointed out. "He's a pretty bad dude." 

"Okay, yeah, he's pretty bad," Dex agreed. "But that shows more in the second and third movie. And as for the tributes, well, they're all just trying to survive. Although I have to admit some are more... vicious than others." 

"Then why is Peeta with the vicious group!" Linh exclaimed. "He was a good guy." Dex sighed.

"Well, it's kind of a spoiler... But Peeta's only doing this to save Katniss," Dex further explained. "He joined them so the Career Pack has a harder time getting to Katniss. Of course, if they find out he's really working against them, they'll definitely kill him. He's basically sacrificing himself for the good of Katniss." Linh gasped.

"Does he die?" she asked, at the edge of her seat. 

"Um... Well... Do you want a spoiler?" Dex questioned. Linh nodded vigorously. 

"Just tell me so I don't get attached," she told him. 

"Alright, Peeta doesn't die," Dex said bluntly. "So you may get attached to their relationship without fear of repercussion." 

"Yay!" Linh celebrated, more interested in the film now that she knew Katniss and Peeta's relationship would survive. But I had doubts about my own with Sophie - if you could even call it a relationship.

I thought I had reservations about asking her because I didn't like her enough. But then I realized I really did like her. Maybe I even loved her. And I couldn't bring myself to ask her to marry me. It was way too soon. She had a business and friends and I couldn't just put all this pressure on her to marry me! It wouldn't be fair to do that to her.

By asking her to marry me, I would be asking her to give up her entire life. And perhaps I was even a little scared myself of what she would say. It would be unfortunate if she declined, but I was more worried about what would happen if she actually agreed. What if she only said yes out of pity? Or what if she said yes then regretted it after we got married and hated me for the rest of her life? 

If you really love something, you have to let it go. I never understood that quote. I always wondered why you would ever let something go if you truly loved it. But... now I knew. I loved Sophie too much and I had to let her go - even if it meant sacrificing my happiness and living in misery for the rest of my life.

I suppose it was kind of ironic that Peeta had just done the same thing for Katniss. Of course, this was nowhere near as dramatic and there definitely wasn't the fear of being killed. But I had a feeling it would still hurt just as much - only it wouldn't be visible or curable.

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