Chapter 21

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Dex's P.O.V.

I figured that when Biana had told us we were making pizza, it would be fun and easy. I was completely wrong. First off, well, the dough... It was just so sticky! I don't know what the problem was. 

"Oops," Linh murmured, stretching out her hands and the dough that was stuck to them. "How... How do I get this out...?" She tried to pry it off her fingers, but it was relentlessly sticking. I did my best to help, but it just ended up even more sticky and tangled. 

"Hmm..." Linh thought. "Ooh! Flower! We need flowers." 

"Flours?" I repeated. 

"Yes! Where do we get those?" she asked. I supposed the best bet was probably the counter full of ingredients, so we slowly made our way over trying not to let the dough touch the floor. 

"Okay, it's right there," I said, pointing to a bowl of flour. Linh cocked her head to the side in confusion. 

"Those aren't flowers... It's flour." And now I was just completely lost. 

"Wait, what? That is flour, Linh." 

"No," she said, "that's flour. I need flowers." Linh pointed towards a vase of flowers at the end of the counter. "Like those!" 

"Ohhh, flowers!" I exclaimed, finally understanding. "But Linh, flour makes dough less sticky while flowers with a w aren't edible." 

"Ha! How silly of me!" Linh laughed and almost slapped her forehead before realizing her hands were still covered in dough. "Okay, to the flour!" 

We made our way to the bowl and dunked our entire dough mixture in. I let it sit for a few minutes before slowly taking my hand out and trying again to remove the flour - but this time it was actually successful. 

"Hooray!" Linh cheered. She gathered up all our dough remains and kneaded it until it was a nice mixture that wasn't too sticky or dry. 

"Well," I said, breathing a little heavily, "that was a lot of work." Linh nodded her agreement. 

"But now we get to move on to the next step!" She eagerly raced back to our station and started throwing the pizza dough in the air and catching it until it became flat and perfectly circular. 

"Wow, where'd you learn how to do that?" I asked. Linh shrugged modestly, blushing a tiny bit. 

"I like to think of it as a baby - you wouldn't drop a baby, would you?" She then quickly moved on, spreading the tomato sauce evenly on the dough. "It's like a pizza baby! Except... Oh no. We have to eat it!" I grinned and helped her spread the cheese. 

"Yes, so perhaps we'll think of it as just a pizza?" I suggested. Linh smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Sounds perfect." 

Now that things were finally on track and we weren't making a total mess, I figured the rest of the cooking class would be fun. And then we started the toppings step. 

"We need lots and lots of yummy toppings!" Linh exclaimed. "The more the merrier!" She began piling all the toppings on the pizza. 

"Um, I think that may be a little too much..." I warned her. "It might taste... interesting." Linh just grinned and continued her toppings-mania. She sprinkled it all on top with such a huge smile - I didn't have the heart to stop her. She just looked so cute and happy. 

Lyssie came walking over at the commotion and her eyes widened at our pizza.

"Guys! What in the world are you doing?" she exclaimed. "That is way too many toppings." 

"Um, well..." I tried to explain. "Linh apparently just really love toppings." Linh looked up from her pizza. 

"Do you guys have gummy bears?" she asked. 

"Uh, no..." Lyssie told her. "But why don't we try to salvage this pizza, huh? More isn't always better." Linh frowned. 

"But the more the merrier!" she pointed out. Lyssie thought long and hard before she spoke next.

"Yes, for some situations," she agreed. "But I mean, you wouldn't want more clothes on an 80-degree day, would you? Or more ice cream when it's below 0 degrees?" Linh brightened up at this. 

"Ooh! You have ice cream?" she asked. 

"It might be in the fridge," I responded. 

"You mean the freezer? Ice cream would melt in the fridge!" Linh exclaimed. I grinned and nodded. 

"You're right, Linh. I suppose you were listening to my lectures on weather and temperature patterns." 

"Of course!" Linh said. "I love our science-y conversations!" Lyssie looked at us curiously and shook her head with a confused grin. 

"Boy, you sure are one interesting pair," she noted. "Now, let me visit an even more interesting one." And she left to see how Tam and Biana were doing. From this view, it looked like things were going pretty well, but who knew? 

"So... Can I keep my toppings?" Linh asked with big, pleading eyes. 

"Alright, alright, you can keep them," I gave in. "Just, whatever makes you happy." Linh gave a huge hug before going back to stacking one topping after another. I really was glad to have her - she was one in a million. Probably one in the entire population of the world, actually. 

I was the only one on Earth with a Linh, which made me extremely happy. She was kind, giving, sweet, considerate, loving... And so much more. And I was engaged to her! Soon to be married... I had to admit it was a daunting thought. I'd always wondered how different life might be after I got married. But I loved Linh and if my entire life changed after I got married to her, I knew it'd only be for the better. And I'd never ever stop being friends with all my other friends or quit my business. Linh knew there were so many other important parts of my life and the best thing about her was that she supported me - and I supported her. That's always how I envisioned a good relationship to be like. Not one person dominating, but balance. 

And perhaps I had been tilting a little to one side, a bit too obsessed with work, a few years ago. But then I found Linh and she balanced me out. It was amazing how one person could change your life so wonderfully. I couldn't wait until we were married and started the next chapter of our lives - together. 

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