Chapter 2

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I waved my last client and their pet goodbye before locking the door and flipping the sign to "Closed". Today had been an especially tough day at my vet clinic, considering it was winter and lots of animals were getting sick. It hurt me to see them in so much pain, but that's why I became a vet. To make sure no animal client of mine would go suffering any longer. 

A knock sounded at my door, and I looked up, wondering if I had missed any of my clients for the day. But it was just my best friend, Dex, probably coming to remind me of tonight's dinner with our friends.

"Let me in!" he mouthed at the door. I grinned and walked over to the door, pretending to think about it. 

"What's the magic word?" I asked. Dex rolled his eyes and shrugged. 

"How should I know?" I laughed and unlocked the door, letting Dex in. 

"Sophie!" he exclaimed, as soon as he got in. "Do you know how cold it is out there?" 

"42 degrees," I told him. Dex raised his eyebrows.

"Do you just memorize the weather every single day?" 

I shook my head. "I don't try to, but you know my photographic memory." 

"I see..." Dex responded, setting his bag down. "Speaking of which, did you remember tonight's dinner?" I rolled my eyes. Dex had been reminding me of this dinner every single day for the past week. 

"How could I forget?" I asked. 

"Sorry," he replied sheepishly. "I just want it to be great, you know?"

"Because of your girl-friend?" I asked teasingly. 

Dex turned red, responding, "What are we, 6?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. You've always been better at math than me." Dex sighed. 

"Even you should know that we are not 6, but that we are 26. See the difference there? But anyway, enough with the chit-chat. We need to get going or we'll be-" Dex stopped mid-sentence, his gaze suddenly fixed on something on my desk. "What is that?" 

I glanced over to where he was looking and saw the cage with a small gray mouse in it. "Oh, that's Ivy. I found her this morning in a box left by the door, and I couldn't just leave her!" I carefully opened the cage and took Ivy out, placing her on my desk. She looked around and scampered immediately towards the box of treats. 

"She's smart, that's for sure," I commented, grabbing a box from the counter and giving her some of the seeds inside. 

"Does she have a home?" Dex asked curiously, gazing at the small mouse. I smiled, seeing where he was going with this.

"Nope! I was planning on leaving her here for the night unless someone wanted to take her home with them..." I looked expectantly at Dex, waiting for him to say he would take her. 

"What?" he asked when he noticed my gaze. "I couldn't possibly take in a mouse." 

"Sure you can!" I encouraged. "They're not much work. And you could train her!" Dex looked thoughtful for a second before nodding. 

"Alright, I'll take her," he replied. 

"Great!" I exclaimed. I always loved it when an animal in need got a home, especially if the owner was someone as sweet and caring as Dex. "You can pick her up after dinner." Dex stopped petting the mouse in his hands and his eyes shot open as if he had just remembered we still had a dinner to attend to. 

"The dinner!" he exclaimed. "We're going to be late!" I snickered as Dex frantically ran towards his backpack, then back to place Ivy in her cage again, then slipped on some seeds that had fallen onto the floor from his pockets. 

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