Chapter 4

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Biana's P.O.V. 

"The food here is pretty good, don't you think, Fitzy?" I asked my brother. I wasn't actually curious though, I was just testing him. I know it might've not been the nicest thing to do, but I needed to see why my brother was so... distant. 

"Oh, yeah..." Fitz murmured, glancing at something too quickly for me to follow before focusing on his food again with extreme thought. I didn't like this one bit. He was supposed to talk to me! Normally that wouldn't be at the top of my list of things to do when I'm bored, but the options were severely limited since I was in a new restaurant in a new town, eating new food surrounded by new people! Very cute new people, I thought, gazing at a boy sitting at a crowded table. He didn't seem exactly like the type of boy I would find interest in, but then again, I've never been surrounded by boys my age, so what would I know? All I knew was that I really wanted to talk to him, learn his name, see if his personality was as mysterious as he looked... 

"FITZY!" I exclaimed. My brother's head shot up and he looked around. 

"What is it?" he asked urgently. 

"So you are awake," I mumbled. "Why are you so distracted!" 

"Why would you say that?" Fitz asked. 

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you haven't SAID anything in the past 10 minutes!" I retorted, crossing my arms. What could be more interesting than talking to his little sister? 

"I'm sure I did say something," Fitz replied. "Didn't I say something when you asked me something?" I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't count! You don't even remember what you even said!" Fitz sighed and glanced again at something, but this time I was able to catch what he was looking at. And it turned out to be someone, not something

I grinned, trying to get a closer look at the girl's face. She had long, wavy blonde hair and big brown eyes. She seemed nice enough by the way she was smiling and laughing with her friends. I could see why my brother liked her, I just hoped she would like him back. And that she wasn't already in a relationship. From the way everyone sat around the table with each other, it looked like the boy with strawberry blonde hair and the girl with long, black hair were in a relationship, and so were the girl and boy who both had blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. Although the second couple looked way more comfortable with each other, which meant they'd probably known each other longer. Especially with that whole crazy roller blade stunt, they had pulled off earlier - I still wasn't sure how they were still alive. That would require a lot of trust and time. So that left the boy with black hair and silver bangs, and the girl my brother seemed to like. I really hoped they weren't dating for both of our sakes, but there was only so much my deductive reasoning for relationships could do. By the looks of it, the two didn't look like they were dating, or even knew each other before this dinner. But perhaps it was their first date. I couldn't say for sure... I just had to hope for the best!

"Okay, Fitzy, go talk to her," I ordered. He would never get anywhere if he didn't even talk to her!

My brother laughed, replying, "Biana, do you seriously think I'm just going to talk to her? I don't even know her!" I rolled my eyes. My brother could be so idiotic sometimes. 

"How will you get to know her, if you don't talk to her?" I pointed out. Fitz shrugged. 

"I don't know... I just don't want to mess anything up." 

"You don't have anything to mess up. If it doesn't work out, you'll probably never even see her again!" I suppose that came out a little blunt, but I was just being completely honest with my brother. If he expected to find love in 7 days, this process shouldn't be taking this long.

"Biana, you don't understand!" Fitz protested. "There's just something about her... I don't think I could even find the right words to say!" 

"You have a serious crush on her," I teased. If this part was going to take this long, might as well have some fun with it!

My brother turned slightly red and looked away from the girl. "Can't you just let it go, Biana? I'll take care of my own love life, got it?" I nodded, but inside I was furiously shaking my head. I know I probably shouldn't have lied to him, but I mean, I was crossing my fingers underneath the table so it didn't count, right? 

It was for his own good, anyway. If I didn't help him, he would never be able to find love in just a week. No matter how much my brother claimed he didn't need my help, I knew it was all up to me to help him find his true love. 

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