Chapter 18

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Linh's P.O.V.

Oh no, I thought, as red sirens flashed everywhere. 

"What's happening?" I asked Dex frantically. I gasped. "Did we steal something?" I really hoped we hadn't. 

"Um, no, it's just a misunderstanding, Linh," Dex assured me. He sounded calm but looked just as nervous as me. 

"You two! Stop right there!" A woman in a security guard outfit waved her hands to get our attention and spoke into her walkie-talkie. "This is Officer Dorothy, security guard of the mall! Don't move!" 

"Wha-what's happening?" I asked Dex again. "Why are these people after us? Did we do something wrong? The lady told me the yarn was of no cost!" Dex sighed.

"It wasn't your yarn," he reluctantly told me. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, blue box. 

"You stole something?" I asked with wide eyes. 

"What? Of course not! I just... I just wanted to keep it a secret and I sorta forgot it was in there until after we left the store." 

"Oh! Oh... Oh, that was my fault," I said with a frown. "I'm sorry." Dex shook his head. 

"It wasn't your fault at all," he told me. "I should've told you about it, but I just wanted to keep it a surprise. I had this whole thing planned out..." I cocked my head to the side with curiosity. Now I was a little confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "What's in the box?" He opened the box the reveal a shiny ring. A ring! I exclaimed in my head. Like-Like an engagement ring! EEK! This is so exciting!

"A RING?" I exclaimed out loud. Dex turned a dark shade of red. 

"Um, maybe?" he said hesitantly. "It depends on your answer." I grinned. 

"Well, are you proposing?" I teased. Dex smiled back and went down on one knee. 

"I know this isn't an ideal setting, but I would really, really love it if you would marry me." 

"Of course I will!" I answered immediately. I helped him up and gave him the biggest hug I had ever given anyone - which was really saying something. 

"And just for the record, I would've said yes no matter where you took me," I added. Dex grinned and slipped the ring onto my finger before kissing me. I'm engaged! I thought. I can tell Sophie and Marella and even Biana even though I haven't known her for long! And Keefe and Fitz and... Tam. My brother could slightly overreact sometimes, but hopefully not about this! 

"You know, can we still get married if we're arrested?" I asked, finally noticing that lights were still blinking and sirens were still blaring. 

"Um..." Dex looked over at the security lady who was wiping her eyes. Maybe she had a soft spot in her heart for proposals. She whispered something into the walkie-talkie and all the lights and sounds stopped. We walked over to her and Dex started apologizing for accidentally stealing the ring. 

"I don't think you guys meant any real harm - you seem like good people," the security lady said. "As long as you pay for it right now, we won't press any charges." 

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. 

"No need to thank me," the security lady said. "My husband gave me the most wonderful proposal ever, but unfortunately he passed last year. I always loved young love... Have a beautiful life together." She sighed wistfully before slowly walking away. 

"Aw, that was so sad," I murmured. I would figure out a way to somehow invite her to our wedding. Well, once we figured out the place, menu, reception, outfits, decorations, and everything else!

"Well, well, well, look who it is! I didn't think you'd get engaged that quickly!" The lady who was working at the cash register winked at Dex. 

"Linh, this is Cindy," Dex introduced. "She helped me pick out the ring for you." I glanced at the ring happily. It really was a beautiful ring. 

"Thank you so much!" I told Cindy. "I love my ring!" 

"I had a feeling that one would be just perfect for you two," Cindy said with a smile. Dex slid his credit card along the side of the computer and Cindy handed us our receipt. 

"Thank you for shopping with us," she said cheerfully. "I hope you have a wonderful wedding." I smiled and waved goodbye. I would find a way to get her invited to the wedding as well.

Dex and I walked out of the store, only to be bombarded with questions by our friends. 

"What was that?" Marella asked curiously. 

"Whatever it was, it was awesome!" Keefe exclaimed. "I can't believe you guys shoplifted." 

"Wow, really?" Biana asked. "That already happened to me once!" 

"Uh, no, we didn't shoplift," Dex informed everyone. "It was just a misunderstanding." 

"Oh, me too!" Biana replied eagerly. "It's a good thing they didn't put you guys in a jail cell, though." Sophie casually slipped away from the group and walked towards us with a big smile. 

"Did you do it?" she asked Dex. Dex's ears turned red but he nodded. 

"You knew he was going to propose?" I asked. Sophie nodded with a large grin. 

"Yep, this guy was so nervous to do it," she informed me. "I knew he'd eventually do it, but I didn't think it'd be this soon!" Marella overheard us and her jaw dropped. 

"You guys are engaged, too?" she asked incredulously. I nodded eagerly, about to respond when Biana interrupted. 

"Hold on a second..." she murmured with an inquisitive look. "Did you just say 'too'?" 

"Um... No?" Marella responded hesitantly. 

"I'm pretty sure you did," Sophie responded. 

"Uh, Keefe?" Marella asked. Keefe stuttered for a few seconds - for once at a loss for words. 


"No one can understand you right now, Linh," Tam told me. 

"I can!" Biana exclaimed. "She said, 'OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE ENGAGED TOO THIS IS SO EXCITING!' Which I agree with completely. This is VERY exciting. You guys could have a double wedding!" 

"Ooh! A double wedding?" I asked. A double wedding with one of my best friends sounded really awesome!

"Huh, I never thought of that... It does sound interesting though," Marella thought out loud. "A double wedding means double the excitement and double the adventures and double the explosions!" 

"Wait- explosions?" Sophie asked. Marella just grinned. 

"As long as it means double the cake and food, I'm in," Keefe said. I looked to Dex.

"Can we please, please, please, do this?" I pleaded. Dex shrugged.

"Whatever you want," he replied. "Besides, I think it sounds pretty cool too." I clapped happily. This was turning out to be the best day ever!

"This is all really fantastic news, but we still do need to move on to the next activity," Biana reminded. "Does everyone have their items?" 

"Yep!" Marella exclaimed. "And we win!" 

"But we came here first!" Sophie protested. 

"Um, we didn't get some of our necessary items," Dex told Biana. 

"Necessary?" Keefe echoed. 

"Yeah, on the back it said the last five items were not necessary to get," I explained. Biana grinned. 

"So you guys found the secret bonus clue!" she exclaimed. "I knew at least one team had to get it. But it's alright you guys didn't finish, the scavenger hunt was mainly just for fun. I have some extra items in my car." 

"That's wonderful!" I exclaimed. 

"Yup!" Biana agreed. "And if there are no further questions, it's time for the next activity!" 

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