"That's understandable, I really do love you and I will no matter who you choose. I'm here for you forever and always." He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed circles with his thumb. I placed my hand on top of his. There was no kiss just eye contact. I felt my eyes soften as his did. There was no need for anything steamy with him. Just silence was perfect.

I stood up and hugged him tightly. "I have to go. You should get ready." I let go and walked towards the door. "bye" "bye" I opened it and walked out. I went to Clay's room with his coffee and gave him the same information that We will be on a temporary break while I figure things out. He was alright with that.

I went to my room to grab the snacks and everyone headed out to the car. It was about a 10 minute drive to the event and then we had to set our booths.


We got the booths set up and I was going to chill with Wilbur. As friends, I hung out with Clay for the first two days so I wanted to hang with Will today. People were giving him stickers to put on his guitar, letters, clothes, and a whole lot more. Wilbur's fans were different from Clay's. His fans were more teenagers and Clay had a lot more kids come up to him. Also, Wilbur's fans had a different vibe.

I texted the gang about where we were going to meet up and we all decided on the Mc Donalds down the road. I was excited to see Alex, Karl, Niki, Toby, Minx, And Nick. Yea we see Toby almost every other week but he was still a fun guy to be around. We finished up the event and it was kind of sad because it was the last day.

We loaded everything into the car along with ourselves. Somehow we made it work but it was very squished. We dropped everything off at the hotel and headed to the Mc Donalds.

We sat down waiting for the others to show up. Just laughing and having a conversation and then a whole bunch of people runs into the building yelling and screaming. We turn and to our surprise, it was the others. we jumped up and all hugged each other. Yeah, we were loud but honestly kick us out if you want.

We have never seen each other in person so we all took it in. Attention turned to Kat who was sitting at the table. She wasn't a streamer nor a streamer's friend or family so she just let us all celebrate. I waved her to get up and introduced her to everyone. "Guys this is Kat, I've known her since forever so I decided to bring her along."

They were kind to her so that made me happy. After getting settled we sat down and got some food to eat. It was refreshing to just be with my friends and just talk. No drama just smiling and laughing. A little while after we finished eating we stayed sitting just to talk. There was a lot to talk about. Like how it feels to come into the light of fame and fans. I obviously couldn't relate but I still tried to contribute a little to the conversation.

We eventually got up and left. We had rented a van to fit every one and drove around for a bit looking for fun things to do when we saw a sign in front of a neighborhood. The sign read "pool party anyone allowed ages 16- 27. We pulled into the neighborhood and followed the signs until we were lead to the house. you could hear the music and shouting when you pulled up.

Lets just say this place was stacked. Was this a stupid idea? Yes. Are we going to go in? Yes. I turn to Tommy and Toby before they get out of the car to give them rules. "Don't drink anything but water, once you take your eyes off your cup or set it down its no longer yours so don't drink from it, don't go somewhere 'private' with someone and don't leave without us."

They looked at me and then each other like i was crazy. Tommy knew to listen to me because i just want him safe. They nod and hop out of the car. I open my door and Nick put his hand out and bowed. "M'lady" I laughed and said "Why thank you kind sir." I grabbed his hand and hopped out. We both were giggling. Karl shouted "Hurry up guys!"

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