Too Close | Joe Liebgott

Start from the beginning

"Okay okay move over Liebgott," Doc called. Joe dropped the bandaging as he started stitching the wound shut.

"Hey Mouse can you try to even out your breaths for me?" Doc Roe looked down at the small girl. Even if Roe was always serious, he had to drop it slightly for the Easy Company girl.
Faye nodded as she still was trying to process what was going on.
Roe looked at Liebgott, Joe took Fayes right hand and squeezed her knuckles.

"Whyre you lookin at me like that?" Faye whined looking up at Joe.

"Mouse okay match my breathing okay?" Joe glanced at Doc as he got the needle and thread prepped to stitch the wound.

"Okay," she nodded and followed Joe's breathing pattern but as soon as Doc got to the third stitch. She gasped out in pain and looked over finally noticing her left arm was gone.

She began to hyper ventilate again, "Hey hey mousey," Joe placed two fingers on Fayes jaw and gently moved Fayes head so she was looking at him.
"Come on breath in and out," he sighed trying to calm her.

"Am I gonna die?" She asked.

"No, no sweet heart." Joe kissed her knuckles.

"You're going to be fine Faye, we're going to ship you back to San Francisco where you'll heal up." Doc Roe sighed, "Liebgott help her sit up.

"What? I can't go home!" She was more alert.

"Faye," Joe said in a warning town as he helped his light headed girlfriend sit up.

"What about you?" She looked at Joe as Roe began wrapping gauze over the stitching.

"I'll be back before you know it, the war will be over. And we can live in that beach house." Joe smiled and kissed Fayes cheek.

"Liebgott you gotta get back to the front line," Roe sighed.

"I love you," Joe hugged her gently careful not to hurt her more.

"I love you too," she put her right arm around him. This was strange to her.
Joe kissed her gently and quick. Before putting his helmet on and running back out.


Webster walked over to the truck where Joe was sitting. "Hey guys," he smiled, Joe rolled his eyes and flicked his cigarette at him.

"What's your name?" He asked Jackson. Jackson answered and helped Webster into the truck.
"Where's your dame Lieb?" Webster asked the man who was nothing but a shell of a man he used to be.

"She got shelled in Bastogne, lost her arm, she's at home in Frisco'." He said dryly as he lit another cigarette. Fayes family disowned her when she volunteered for the Paratroopers. So Joe would take her in and his family would help her out.

"Liebgott?" The mail guy called. Joe reached down and grabbed the letter. He smiled as it had his name on it with Fayes hand writing.
He tore into the envelop and smiled at the familiar hand writing.

Dear my beloved Joe,

Your parents have been nothing but amazing to me. I miss you so much and I hope you're okay. I hope you're out of Bastogne, and I hope you didn't shed any blood.
I'm starting to heal but it's hard, I wish you were here with me.
I'm praying to whatever god is out there for your safe arrival. Bring home a lugar for me <3.

-Love Faye.

Joe smiled and tucked away the note into the pocket of his OD's.
"Is she doing okay?" Perconte asked.

"Yeah, she's healing up." Joe nodded and rubbed his scruff. Joe needed a shower and a shave.


          Joe clutched his bag as he got off of the train in San Francisco. His OD's were wrinkled from the days of travel. He was beyond excited to see the lady he fell head over heals for. Faye, the girl who came too close to death in Joe's arms.
He smiled as he pushed through the bustle of  people waiting for loved ones or going to work.
His smile spread as he saw his fathers tall figure, he squeezed through the crowd. He started running when he saw Faye. She had on a stunning mint green dress with her OD jacket hanging on her shoulders.
Joe dropped his bag as he wrapped his arms around Fayes waist and spun her in a hug, "Mousey!"
She giggled into his ear and put her arm around him.
Her laugh was like music, beautiful music to Joe's ears.
He hadn't seen her in almost a year.
"You look so stunning," Joe set down Faye and held her right hand with both of his hands.

"Thank you," she blushed and looked down.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," Joe put Fayes OD jacket back around her shoulders.

"I missed you more love," the brown haired girl smiled, "Go give your parents some love."
Joe smiled and hugged his parents as they hadn't seen their son in almost four years.


            "I got a surprise for you," Faye held Joe's hand as they walked up the stairs at Joe's families house.

"What is it?" Joe smiled as Faye pulled him to his room. She dropped his hand and opened the door to Joe's room.
She had fully transformed Joe's room into their room. Joe was still living with his parents when he was drafted as he was a mere 20.

"Oh my god Faye," he smiled looking around at the clean space with the bed pressed up against the window.

"That's not it," she smiled and bent over and picked up a stack of comic books balancing them against her arm and her chest then laid them on the bed.
"I picked up all of the Flash Gordon and Dick Tracy comics you missed."

"You really didn't have to do this all for me." He swooped up Faye again and laid her on the bed.

"I wanted to," she leaned on her elbow. Joe laid next to her and kissed her cheek, "I also want to read these with you."

"Glad to hear Webster didn't get all too much to your head." Joe joked and tucked some of her lose curls behind her ear.

"You're so rude," Faye giggled and nudged him. She sat up and leaned against Joe the way they would in their foxhole.
Joe gently rolled up the small sleeve on Fayes dress and looked at her shoulder where her arm was supposed to be.

"Glad to see you fully healed I was worried about you." He kissed her neck.
She sighed and turned her head to kiss Joe.

"Let's just be in the moment," she smiled and let his lips crash into hers.

Later that night Joe load on his back holding the next Dick Tracey comic in his hands. Faye laid with her head on Joe's chest as Joe dramatically read the comic out loud. They would both laugh and have to take a break from the wheezing.

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