"Tell me where is it,"

"Here is the address of the woman, she is working as an accountant at a small company, she is 30 years old," So she is not young. I mean if he got bored of me, he would find a younger woman maybe in her 20s. He probably didn't find this woman at the club or something like that. 

"Her name?"

"Julia Zane," Who the hell is Julia Zane? His old friend? His patient? It must be someone who he knows and they already talked before and now, it started to get closer.


Unknown pov

I guess we will see a divorce coming up soon. I can't wait to see Alexa Lanton be Alexa Johnson again and move away from Jared's life forever. Then, everything will be mine. The perfect husband, and two adorable kids. Thinking about it makes me excited. I've been waiting for so long and now, I need to speed up a bit and add a little bit of spice. 

I will make sure that she didn't get custody of the children. Jared had to get that in the order I want everything to work as I planned. I grab my phone and decided to call Jared. 

"Hello, baby," 

"I'm busy now," That's all he said then he hangs up the phone. I am quite surprised by his action because he never did this to me. Not even once in these four years. I wonder why he acts like that. 

Don't worry he will come to me no matter what. He loves me and I know that. He might be real busy at the hospital. I will let him off this time. Just then, the doorbell is ringing. "Who the hell come to my house right now?" I said and walk to the door to open it. "Yes? May I help you?" She pushes me aside and walks into my house. "Yea, come in," I close the door and watch her sit. 

"I wonder why you do this to me?" I raised my eyebrow at her and seat across her. "I don't like all this," 

"Look, it's not like I make you do it for free, Ms. Zane. I pay you a good amount of money. What else do you want?" I look at her. "All I want you to do is, to pretend to be with him and that's it. It's not that hard. Besides, I am not asking you to have sex with him or anything like that,"

"Why me?"

"Jared told me that his wife, hire someone to look who is the woman and of course I can't let her know it's me. Not yet. She can't know and you, are the perfect one to play the role of his mistress. I bet you need the money to pay the rent too isn't it?"

"I feel sorry for her. No one wants to be treated like this especially a wife like her, Alexa Lanton. I heard that her first marriage failed miserably. No woman ever wants to be like this," 

"Julia, look, She is rich. She has her own company and her ex-husband is a billionaire. Her best friend married a billionaire too and of course, she got the money from his ex-husband now because they got children together. What else she wants? She got everything already and I don't. I don't have everything that she has. I just want one thing from her, and that is her husband," I explain to her. Alexa will be happy with all the money and children. Losing Jared is not a big deal. I used to face a more terrible event than her and I guess I am the one who deserves the fairytale thing. She is fine now. I am sure she is going to be fine after being dumped by Jared. 

"Look, I don't understand why out of all things, why you want to take her husband? They have children together. Don't you feel pity for them? If I am her, I would sue you for stealing my husband and trying to steal my kids," 

"You finish?" I ask her looking at her face. This woman is talking too much and it's getting annoying.

"I know this is hard for you but there's a lot of single men out there. You are pretty and I am sure you can get the men of your dream. Please don't do this?"

"I got the men that I want already. Look, I want you to pretend to be me so that my identity is still safe,"

"You still planning to steal her children from her? I mean you can get pregnant on your own though,"

"Look, in order to get Jared to be with me, is I need to take his kids' hearts. Besides, I will take care of their children after they got divorced. I will be a better mom than Alexa herself. So, you don't need to feel anything and just do your work," I said and she let out a sigh. "Listen, I will pay your rent for this month and I think that's enough for you to follow my instruction and do your job well, Julia," I said to her. She still looks unsure about doing this. It's not that easy to convince this woman. "Okay, I pay your rent for two months. Deal?"

"Well, at least I don't have to think about rent for two months. Fine, deal," I smirk. Finally, she agrees to do this. 

Now let's get to business, shall we?


Enjoy ;)

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