"What?" I sit up and look at Alayna. When did Pansy get brought up?

"Pansy." Alayna repeats as she sit up to look at me. "I like Pansy." 

I sit there on the bathroom floor taking that in. I start babbling all the questions that come to mind.

"Why? When? Wha- How? Who knows? Are you gonna tell her? Does she know? Wait-"

"Jeez Peyton. Calm the heck down." Alayna cuts me off. 

"I am calm. Thank you very much." I lie, sticking my nose in the air.

"I like Pansy because she's hot." I cringe at this and Alayna just laughs. "But she's also like super sweet and funny. Kind of like you but different." I raise my eyebrow at her but she continues. "Um, I think I started liking her at the beginning of the year. No one knows but you. I'm not going to tell her and she doesn't know. I think that's all of your questions."

"Wait-" I say and look up at the ceiling thinking.

"Waiting." Alayna replies.

"You like Pansy." I repeat.


"You think Pansy's gay."

"I never said-" Alayna starts but I'm not done talking.

"Does that mean you would date her?" I ask. Alayna looks taken back by this question, like she's never thought about it.

"Probably not." She says after a few moments.

"Oh." I don't know whether I should be relived or offended. 


"I don't know. I was trying to imagine you two together I guess."

Alayna chuckles, but doesn't say anything. We let the silence take over for what seems like the millionth time that day and it was barely eleven in the morning. The thing that breaks the silence is not one of our voices, but a voice from our stomachs. Almost simultaneously our stomachs let out a grumble, saying "Feed me! Feed me!"  We laugh and with out having to tell each other, and make our way downstairs to get breakfast.

We make pancakes, with chocolate chips mixed in. Alayna teaches me how to make them with out magic and they turn out pretty good, minus the few we burned because we weren't paying attention. During our pancake making, Lily-Grace came down stairs and told us to "Be careful because the last thing Jeremy needs, is to have his house burned down on Christmas Eve." 

It was Christmas Eve! Normally I would be sitting by the warm fire in the Slytherin common room, but not this year! I was making chocolate chip pancakes with my best friend! Ew, that was cheesy, but hey! Did I lie?

When we finish making, and eating our pancakes, Alayna and I join the "old trio", which consists of Emmy, Douglas and Lily-Grace, in the library. The trio is playing some sort of card game, though they do more of smacking each other's hands than using cards.

"What are they playing? Slap your siblings or something?" I lean over to Alayna. She glances over at them. 

"Egyptian rat race I think." giggles Alayna.

"Egyptian what now?" I say confused.

"Egyptian rat race." Alayna repeats. "Don't tell me you've never played it?" I shake my head. "Heard of it?"

"Not until now." I admit. Alayna shakes her head in disbelief and stands up.

"Move over children. We're teaching Peyton how to play the best card game ever." Alayna pushes in-between Emmy and Douglas, and they scoot their stools over to make room for us.

All Mine | d.m. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now