"Oh!" She just smiled and thought of a good lie wwhich she can say to Rafael which doesn't sound stupid. "It's nothing." She said after coming up with nothing in three seconds. If she prolonged It more than three seconds, he would've known she was lying.

"He and his friends hang behind the alleyway, three blocks from here. They will go in one of the storage compartments of the building. I strongly suggest you not go there."

"I wont." She lied.

She opened the Aluminim foil covering the food she had bought. She knew where she had to go now. An alleyway, three blocks from here. She walked through the door, hoping the young man would still be there. Outside of the deli, perhaps she had hoped that he himself could have taken her to the place. She got in her car and started the engine. She rolled back out of the parking lot and drove slowly along the sidewalk where the deli was. She wanted to see if there was anything else she needed. There was nothing. The place had nothing else for her.

She stopped the car a bit away from her designated location. She got out and strode on the sidewalk looking ahead. She had a gun in her back pocket. She wasn't going to use it. It was just in case. Just in in case for what? She didn't even know. she had not taken the gun in to the deli or in to the subway (the fast food restaurant). She felt like she needed it now, or she was just being paranoid. This was her first. She would not have been chosen for this if the FBI was not determined to bring him in. she didn't know what exactly he did for being tracked by the FBI. And what was the deal with not hiding. The previous agent assigned this task, Alaric knew what was the reason. She knew that because Rick had told her. He knew because, he worked with Berk. On the other hand she didn't. She doesn't even have experience out in the field. She had no idea how Berk was, what can he do, what he cannot do, other than what Rick had told her.

She turned in to the alleyway and saw that no one was there. It was dark. Not dark because of the sky. Dark because there was a shade above connecting the building blocking the rays of the sun. She could still see clearly. She slowly entered the narrow passage. She saw two dumpsters filled with trash and there was a couch. A used one, there was lint and scratches from dogs and cats. She observed the couch and then diverted her gaze on the door that the guy at the deli had told her about. She had a feeliing she bumbed in to a dead end. Both literally and theoretically.

She went near the door and looked at the empty space where the knob of the door should be. In place of a complete knob there was an iron nail which was bulging the flat end out. She pulled the door backward holding the iron nail. She stepped up and got in and looked around. She was looking around. It was a big place. it seemed there was no one there.

Kiera heard a sound. Someone is here, she thought out loud, even though there was no one there near her. She walked forward. She didn't take her gun out. She heard footsteps, but saw nothing. The air there was not a pleasant smell. It was better than outside. she crunched he nose and heard the footprints coming to her direction. Not from the front. From the back. She turned back. There were three boys, they all looked around the age of eighteen to twenty. She lifted her hands up.

There was a gun pointed at her. The man with the gun was limping. She could reach for her gun; she chose not to. She wanted to say something, but at this moment, right this second, nothing would be reasonable. She had come in to their place without permission and now she has a illegal unlicensed weapon pointed to her face. There was only a six-step difference between them. As soon as the boy pulls the trigger the odds won't be in her favor. But still, the odds were good for her. She knew they wouldn't shoot. She knew they knew better. Getting caught up in murder would be the last thing in their agenda. That too an FBI agent.

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