2. Beloved and blood (unedited)

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Amora smoothen her skirt for the n th time. It was little over five hours she arrived Los Angeles and here she was getting ready for her first visit. She had to go in a small town that is around an hours drive ,talk to people , help them and come back.

Seems pretty easy right? But no it is not when you have to wear clothes that restrict your movements. The Queen has strictly asked her to wear the clothes she packed for her to make her look a bit less disgraceful than she is. Amora liked professional formal clothes but that's only when she has to wear it for few hours for work, not to wear them when she has to probably walk half a mile with heels on.

The dress the Queen choose for her was pretty, it complimented her violet eyes but restricted any kind of movements.

The dress the Queen choose for her was pretty, it complimented her violet eyes but restricted any kind of movements

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And to add more to her despair, the royal secretaries and mangers did a terrible job managing her time here. She just has three days here when she has to visit twenty five towns, each far from another. So she has to just run from one place to another, she probably doesn't even has time to eat properly.

"Princess I believe we should leave now. We don't have time for you to stare at the mirror." The driver screeched.

Amora signed she was used to people treating her like this. She just wished they talked to her and treated her like a normal human.

She made her way into a beautiful sleek car and huffed the King probably allowed her to sit in such a gorgeous car to show it off to people.

Gazing out the sky through the window, for the first time in her life she felt calm. She didn't know the reason but it felt like something will change today. Her life was going to change, her gut told her suddenly Cecilia's word rang into her head.

Cimmerian may bring us to resplendent life.

No she shouldn't think about this and raise false hope. She shook her head.

Before she could think anything her car went flying, her bile raised her mouth she could literally feel her heart beating million times per minute. Then it soon clashed down she felt something heavy and sharp on her legs she could feel glass pierce all over the delicate skin and her could most of the impact.

Her eyes were closed but she could feel movement near her.

"...Yes sir, I did it."

"...It was an awful clash I don't think she would be able to make it out."

"....Okay I will check."

She felt rough fingers on her neck particularly her carotid artery.

"...Yes the pulse is weak."

".....No its a deserted area, noones around."

"...Okay sir."

She felt someone breathing particularly on her face.

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