4 2 0

3 weeks later.

The white light blinds my eyes as I open them. I try an adjust to the scene.  My whole body is in pain. I finslly understand that I am in a hospital. I try to remember what happend. The last thing I remember was Andre embracing me.

I try to sit up. I fail. Weakness has overcomed me. I feel like I am just bones. Then i remember.
I was pregnant.
I was pregnant.
I look down at him/her.
I still have mu bump. It has gotten bigger or mabye i have gotten smaller.
Is it alive?

Did it survive through all of that...
It couldn't have.

Tears escape my eyes as I hear foot steps.
Its Andre.
He his arm is in a cast, He has bandages on his head.

"Andre?" I whisper a smile appears on my face,

"Y/n?! Alhamdulillah!! " happiness overcomes him as he attempts to hug me; he fails. We passionately kiss after being reunited. I felt safe.

"What happened?
How long have I been here?
....is our baby okay?"

"We had fell into Xaviers trap."
I shiver as soon as I hear the word Xavier.

"I had contacted a old Mafia friend of mine, he helped us plan everything but unfortunately we fell into his trap. He locked-"

"Is he dead?"

"yes.. The rest had caught him running away after the bomb exploded."

I wave of relief enters me.


"You have been asleep for 2 weeks, I have been asleep for 1. Even though more damage was done to me. I covered my body with yours. I tried to protect you. As much as I could... I'm sorry for all that's happend, I shouldn't have pulled you into this never ending war-"

" its not your fault and Actually Its because of me. Im the one who made you against them.  Its better like this. Everything is worth going through with you-"

The doctor walks in, apparently this is a private hospital owned by the other mafia. They did not want to bring the police into this.

Xavier and Lamar's legacy was dead.
Justice had been done..

"Hello Mr.y/n. How are you feeli-"

"The baby... I'm sorry, how is the baby?"

" you are very lucky the baby has survived. This is probably because Mr.Andre covered you.
Its rare for babies to survive after such damage.
You are now 6 months. I highly urge you to do everything you can to get a healthier body. The baby has survived but it isn't in the healthiest form.
By the way its a boy. I recommended coming to this hospital, for checkups and for planing the delivery, we do not want to make suspicion.
Get well soon"

"Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah!" I was crying out of joy.
I will do everything I can from now on to make the baby healthier inshAllah.


İ found out that  Andre had sold the house and moved to my Mother in laws city. We now lived a few houses away from her.

Me and Andre had to help each other. I was weak and carrying a baby while he had a cast and bandages on his head that needed to recover.

Andre quit his job. He would find a new one here, after we had recovered. Andres sister had offered to help us. She stayed with us for a week, May Allah be pleased with her'

After hearing about Khalid bin walid  we decided to name him Khalid.

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