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I left Xavier aside. I would think about that later. Today was y/n and ours anniversary, I had to plan something special.

We went to a special restaurant, literally 1, hour away; but it was worth it.

M week later

y/n p.o.v

I took the test; my hands shaking.

It turned out to be what had expected; positive.

The reality hit, i was scared.

I decided that I shouldnt wait to give Lamar the news.
I had a day of today but Lamar was st the restaurant.

I arrive,. The others, knowing me, they call Lamar.

Lamar can notice I am acting different.

We sit down on one of the tables.

The restaurant was busy as normal, but when I told him it was like no one was there.. Like the world just stopped.

I was shocked at his reaction. He was overwhelmed with happiness. He immediately embraced me.

This made me happy; I was at ease..

He comforted me. :
Nothing would go wrong this time, We would out our trust in Allah.


1 week later (again lol)

Andre p.o.v

I smile as I glance at y/n from the kitchen. We had found out the baby was nearly 2 months. Ever since; y/n would spend her days here (the restaurant.) She would order food,  when she didn't eat she would do art. We were so used to her coming that she had her own table.

Until She started to become more exhausted. She started staying at home, Cherilyn would accompany her when I wasn't home. I didn't like the thought of Cherilyn being so close to her because of Xavier.

Maybe that wasn't him, maybe they just loom the same; I thought. I tried to find excuses, I didn't want to bother y/n with this Xaveir problem so left it alone.

Y/n would cry; for reasons I did not understand. Like one time I forgot to bring her favorite food home. She cried like someone had died. She had moodswings I did not understand. I was starting to think she was a pcycopath until we went to pregnancy counciling. I understood her more.LOL.

At 4 months Her bump was recognizable but still small. Even though she was prego she would still be active. She was educating herself on parenthood and sharing the info with me. She was never had free time xD..

That Monday;

I leave for work. I feel at ease knowing Cherilyn was with her, she wasn't alone..

its getting dark. I finish my shift and grab y/ns food and leave.

I take out my house key after not getting a response from y/n-i think she's sleeping-.

The key unlockes the house revealing a dark silent surrounding.

I open the lights, a bad feeling enters me..

I sort of fear enters me as I find our bed empty.
The  last time I called she was at home; not having any plans of going outside.

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