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André p.o.v

I punched the wall out of rage. The MF ruined her life and i couldnt do anything about it.

I looked at y/n she was scared:

-please stay calm-
-How can i? When that MF is out fcking peoples lives? I shouted.

I left the room, if i didnt leave i would get out of control.
I had made my decision,
I will get revenge, even if it would take years. I would kill him.

After sorting out tons of work. I left my room shocked to see the living room. It had been turned into a art studio. I went behind y/n and studied the canvas she was painting, she was painting flowers. .

"Beautiful..." i whispered.
She flinched at first but smiled when she saw me.

"Thank you... This is helping alot, kinda like therapy.  Like i have retrieved something from the past again." She continued

"Sht i forgot to make dinner, lets order out...oh and tomorrow you will be alone because i will be at the company. "

"Hey.. can you take me with you? As an assistant maybe. I will be so bored at home and i dont know when i will be able to work as a art teacher again.."

I thought it wasnt a bad idea. She would be with me all the time, this would be better for u But she would join me after a few days so we wouldn't be suspicious.

We finished our meal and headed to our rooms.

As normal i couldnt sleep. "bad" thoughts and past memorys occupied my mind.

My thoughts disapear as y/n enters my room. Her still being awake made me curious.

"Did something happen?"

"No... uhm. I cant sleep. Its like when im alone at night the thoughts drown me... can i-"

"Of course" i say while making space for her.

One month past, from that day on we slept together. Me and y/n started working at the company. We were so used to eachother.as time past my feelings for y/n grew. I faced my weird feelings and i realised i loved her.

we started eating dinner. I was stressed. My mind was on my family. My sister knew i was here and was inviting me back home but how could i back after all those years? I was gone for 10 years leaving them behind. How,will they accept me again?

-What are u thinking about?

-my family

- I didnt want to bring this up before but... will you reunite with them?

-i dont know


Suddenly my thoughts automatically came out my mouth.
- u should go... i think they will accept you, its ur family.... you have a family thats waiting for you... if i was you i would run to them.

- you dont understand.

- understand what? Your sister is telling you to come, what else do you want?

-dont pressure me. You dont know what we've been through. Its been 10 years, its not easy... you dont have a family wouldnt understand." He said raising his voice. Not wanting a fight, I didnt respond but the last thing he said hurt me. My mum came to mind. I wanted to cry.

"Y/n i didnt mean to-"

"Im tired,im going to sleep"

I tears fell from my eyes.i accepted my mums death but having no family was a really hard thing. A few minutes later Andre came in'

My back was facing him, he called for me a few times.
- i know your awake.. your crying.

-what do u want?

-for real im really sorry, i couldn't control myself-

-apology accepted but having no family is the worst, thats why i want you to go. But its up too you.

-thank you, you know i have anger problems, yes im getting better but just know if i say something my intention isnt to hurt you,

our eyes meet.
In the dark as he crawls onto me.

-because at the end of the day, when you are sad im sad, when ur happy im happy... dont you understand? i have feelings for you.. I will die for your love..

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