Scoups - Late

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You sat there patiently, waiting for your boyfriend to show up at the cafe and sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time. 

You've been waiting for the past two hours and you now knew deep down that your boyfriend was not going to show up today. 

You weren't surprised though. This was definitely not the first time your boyfriend failed to show up to one of your plans, but you never got mad at him. 

How could you? When he made it up later to you with so much love and passion. 

You also understood how much time and energy his career demanded from him and never held him forgetting your plans against him.

You had now pretty much finished your drink and decided to get up and head home. Even though all you did was sit and wait, it still tired you out and you could start to feel the fatigue from your long day kicking in. 

As you sat in the bus which will take you to near your home, you couldn't help but think of your relationship, which was carefully hidden by the rest of the world. 

You've been in a relationship which Choi Seungcheol of Seventeen for the past year and a half, and no one expect for his members, his company and your very close friends know about the relationship. 

Sometimes it did get under your skin at how secretive you have to be about everything and sometimes you did get upset that the two of you couldn't freely roam around in the public, but at the end of the day none of that mattered as long as he still loved you and you still loved him. 

Seventeen's comeback is only next week, which means that Scoups is busier than usual, but you understood. Of course there are times where people have to prioritize their work over their relationship.

It's a part of every relationship.  

Your short bus ride quickly came to and end and you got off the bus, being one of the few passengers still remaining on board. 

You went to your decent looking and decent sized apartment building and since you lived on the first floor, you decided to just use the stairs. 

You were only half way up the stairs when you suddenly stopped because of the person sitting down in the middle of the stairs. 

Even with his head down, you could immediately recognize your boyfriend, his long, somewhat curly hair a dead giveaway. 

Seeming to have heard your footsteps, Scoups slowly lifted his head up to meet your gaze, causing you to catch your breath at his visuals. 

"Seungcheol," You breathed out as the two of you locked eye contact. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked, even thought you already knew the answer and moved over to sit next to him. 

"I came to see you," Scoups answered. 

"You didn't have to. I know how tired you are and practice must have been hectic," You said as he placed his hand over yours. 

"I made a promise to you and I wasn't going to break it," Scoups said. 

"You're so stubborn," You mumbled to yourself. 

"You know I can hear you every-time you insult me," Scoups reminded you. 

"Why do you think I always say it out loud?" You told him playfully. 

You sighed softly and leaned your head onto his shoulder as he interlocked your hands together. 

"Aren't you tired?" You asked. 

"I am," Scoups admitted, "But not tired enough to not see you. Did you wait long?"

"Not really," You said, "I kind of figured you weren't coming."

Scoups stayed silent for a moment before he said, "I'm sorry."

You looked up from your position on his shoulder, frowning and saying, "What are you sorry for?"

Scoups reached over and tucked in a piece of stray hair behind your ear and said, "You know what I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you wait like that. I'm a terrible boyfriend. "

You grabbed his face in your both hands and made him look towards you and said, "You have nothing to be sorry for. You get that? You have nothing to be sorry for. You're the best thing that has happened to me."

"You're too nice to me," He told you. 

"And you spoil me too much," You told him back. 

You suddenly leaned in and pecked him on the lips, taking him over by surprise and stood up before he could even respond in your kiss. 

You took his hand in yours and said, "Come on. Let's go. Are you going to stay over or go back?"

Scoups stood up, letting you lead him into your home as he said, "I was thinking we both could spend some time together with your bed. You know?"

You rolled your eyes and his suggestion and asked, "I thought you were tired?"

Scoups's eyes darkened at your words as he leaned in slightly and whispered, "Babe, you know I'm never tired for that."

The only thing you could do was hit him lightly on his chest before he chuckled and swiftly captured your lips in his. 

Hello everyone. Surprise Surprise. I decided to go a Seventeen Imagines. If you guys don't know then I'm also a huge seventeen fan, and am writing a Jeonghan fanfic, so I thought why not go for a Seventeen Imagines. 

These will be mainly fluff and cute and angst, similar to my got7 imagines, but I do not have a proper update schedule setup yet. 

I hope you guys enjoy this series as well!! 

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