Bed Rest (Gore Warning)

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     Tintin sat restlessly in his bed, his legs were getting antsy, and begged for a good stretch, but as soon as a slight movement was made, his left leg ached with immense pain. He groaned with annoyance as he rubbed his eyes. He just wanted a walk around the garden. Was that too much to ask for?

     Tintin tapped his pencil on his notepad and begged for some motivation to strike him. Since he had nothing else to do, he tried to get caught up on his writing. But after a few stories, it became dull and tasteless. You can't write a good article while you're practically being held hostage. He just needed a stretch. A small walk through the hallways. That wouldn't be too bad, would it?

     Tintin sat up and gently removed the pillow from underneath his leg before it thumped onto the bed, sending a sharp wave of pain from his toes up to his hip. He kicked his legs over the bed. Snowy began to notice the movement and hopped up from his spot next to Tintin, where he had been napping earlier.

     Snowy hopped onto Tintin's lap and circled before laying down.

     "Snowy, it's just a small walk. Nothing bad will happen." He tried to reassure. But Snowy remained in his tight little circle until Tintin rolled his eyes and began carefully sliding off the bed. Snowy whimpered in annoyance and jumped off onto the floor.

     Tintin set his right foot on the ground with the rest of his weight on the bed. It felt so good to get the blood moving to his feet again. He saw his crutch leaning against the wall, just out of reach. Snowy began growling as Tintin hopped from one side of the bed to the other. He held onto the bedpost, with his left leg in mid-air, and leaned as far as he could to the crutch. Just inches away.

     He realized he would have to let go of the bedpost to reach it. It wouldn't be long. Just one jump to the wall would do it. He reassured himself and slowly let go of the bedpost, all his weight on his right foot. That was the last straw for Snowy. He began barking out the door and Tintin flinched as he waved to the dog. Unable to walk over and pick him up.

     "Snowy, don't! Be quiet!" Tintin whispered loudly as the small dog continued to bark for a few more seconds. Tintin scoffed in annoyed disbelief and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was in for it now. It only took a few more barks before a chair was heard scuffing against the floor of the library, just down the hall. "Well done, Snowy. Appreciate the loyalty," Tintin said sarcastically. Footsteps echoed through the hallway and grew louder as they approached. Uh Oh.

     "Tintin, I swear, if I look through that door, and see you standing, I will literally snap your other leg!" Rosa yelled from the hallway. Tintin jumped and tried to turn and hop back to the front end of the bed. One hop, two hops. Almost there. On the third hop, he lost his balance and began falling. He latched onto the covers of the bed, trying desperately to regain his balance, but to no avail. The covers slid off easily and he flopped unceremoniously onto his back on the hard wooden floor. He did, however, manage to keep his leg in the air the entire time, so he was not blessed with another shower of aching pain.

     Rosa hurriedly peeked her head through the door and saw Tintin on his back with the covers on top of him. She chuckled suspiciously. "Glad I have Snowy keeping you honest. So, what's going on?" Rosa crossed her arms as she leaned on the doorpost.

     Tintin stretched his arms and pulled the covers over him. "Just taking a nap."

     "On the floor? That's a new one."

     "Well, the bed was getting too soft so I thought I would change it up."

     "Uh-huh. You fell didn't you?" She raised an eyebrow.

     "No. Of course not. I just thought the floor was.... more.........." Tintin sighed as he chuckled. "Alright, I fell."

"Alright, tough guy, I know you love the floor but you have to stay in bed and off that foot completely for three more days, then you can try to start using your crutch."

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