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Naruto's POV

Sasuke bites his lip in pain. On this two-person mission, Sasuke had gotten a kunai through his leg, and even though we wrapped it up, it wasn't healed yet.

"Are you sure you can make it back, Sasuke?" I ask, worried about my boyfriend/comrade.

"Yeah, yeah." He braces his hand on the ground. "This is why we should've brought a medical ninja with us."

No, I didn't request one because it would've been Sakura. And I know she's still stuck on you.

Sasuke's face twists in pain, as he leans against a tree to help himself up. "Sasuke, I'll help you if you want." I offer.

"No, no. I can manage." He says quickly. It's kinda a long way to the village.

"If you're sure..." I watch as he straightens to stand. He wobbles, and I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"I don't need your help!" Sasuke pushes me away, but starts falling over.

"Sasuke!" I scolded him, catching him by his waist. How rude.

I notice how our faces are inches apart, and kiss his nose. "Hey! Get off!" He says, pushing my shoulders. You're blushing though...

"... I'm carrying you." I say. It'll be the fastest. Yeah. That's the only reason. Hehe.

"No you're not." He protests.

"Hm." I just nod. Then, I lift him onto my back before he can say anything else.

I smile and start walking. Haha.

"Put me down! I can walk!" Sasuke shouts, trying to get out of my grip.

"No, you obviously can't. And this way, we can be close!" I point out, tightening my grip on his knees.

Silence follows. Then, he says "Fine." I know your leg is hurting you, Sasuke.

I start humming and walking a bit faster. "You know Sasuke, you're pretty light. Have you been eating enough?" I ask, adjusting my arms.

"Yeah, I think so. Maybe you're just too... weak to realize it, Naruto." Sasuke responds. That doesn't even make any sense. If I was weak you would be heavy, right?

"That doesn't make sense. It's okay to say I'm strong." I puff my shoulders.

"I- I guess." I can hear the smile in his voice.

We both laugh, enjoying the fact that we're together. Sasuke's laugh is nice. I wish I could see his face.

Sighing, Sasuke leans his head on my shoulder, wrapping his hands around the front of my body. Smiling, I look forward at the forest.

"It's annoying to not be able to walk. What if we were ambushed? What would I do then?" He says, sounding sad.

"I know, but I'm sure you'll heal fast." I say.

"I hope so."

I continue walking, thinking about Sasuke. I'm so lucky to have you here with me. If I didn't, if I had Sai or Sakura instead, I don't know if I would've been able to finish the mission. Don't get me wrong, they're strong ninjas, but I feel safer when I'm with you.

Haha. That was cheesy. Oh look, the village.

The village was coming into sight ahead. "We made it. I'll take you to the hospital first, and go make our mission report." I say.

"Okay." He says. Sasuke sounds hesitant. Maybe that's because he doesn't want our friends to see him like this.

"Oh hey guys!" Sakura appears from near the Leaf Village gates.

"Hey Sakura." I say, keeping on walking. Sasuke says nothing.

"Why are you carrying him?" She asks me. Ugh.

"Because he got... injured on our mission." I hesitated because I didn't think Sasuke would want anyone to know. But I couldn't lie.

"I could heal you right now if you want Sasuke!" She says, coming closer. I walk a bit faster.

"No, I'm good." Sasuke answers, a twinge of embarrassment in his voice.

"Oh, okay then. See you." Sakura waves bye and heads the other way.

I feel myself relax slightly now that she had left. I shouldn't feel afraid of her stealing my boyfriend, but... I do.

"Someone's embarrassed!" I sing, taunting Sasuke's tone.

"Naruto! I'm not. Just walk." Sasuke sounds annoyed at first, but I see by turning my head that he's trying to hide a smile.

"Okay, okay. I'm walking. You know, maybe showing public affection towards you is good for you." I think aloud. I think it's just hilarious.

"No. It's not. Oh look, we're at the hospital." Sasuke changes the topic.

I walk inside the hospital, and talk to the person at the front desk, despite Sasuke's protests to just put him down at the door. Laughing, I carry him all the way to the exam room.

"I'll come back once I'm done!" I wave, leaving for the Hokage's office.


"How does it feel?" I ask Sasuke as we're leaving the hospital. He insisted on not taking the crutches they offered. He was limping, and I held out my hand for him to take.

"Fi-*cringe*-ne." He said. I took his hand in mine, more for emotional support than physical support.

"Yeah, okay. 'Fine'. What did they say about it?" I ask. His hand is soft as always.

"They said one of the bones is broken, because of the impact from the kunai. Also, the wound was especially deep." Sasuke must've seen my face, because he added "But I'm fine, really."

"You're glad I was there to carry you back. A broken bone? You can't walk with that!" I shout.

"I could've." He says. Of course you would say that.

I let go of his hand, and put my arm around his shoulder. "*Sigh* Sasuke... so stubborn." I shake my head.

"Well, I could've!" He protests. I grin as I unlock our apartment door, taking off my shoes.

Leaning over, I kiss his lips, pulling him into my arms.

"What was that for!?" He shouts, pulling away after a minute. I blush, realizing that's the first time I've made a move like that.

"...Affection...?" I question, shrugging off my flak jacket.

"Are you trying to act like a top?" He says, smirking.

"Hey! You were like a bottom all day today!" I shove his shoulder playfully.

Walking into the kitchen, he sighs. "Only because I got hurt. If I didn't, none of that would've happened." He's still in pain. I can tell by his voice.

I tug Sasuke into a hug from behind, putting my chin on his shoulder. "I love you Sasuke."

"Hn. You too, Naruto." Sasuke reaches up and pats my head.

Oh Sasuke. Even though we've been together for so long, it still embarrasses you to say those words. Whatever. I still love you. Hehe!

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