Landon's fearful blue eyes that were identical to his father's almost felt like they burned holes into her own.

Suddenly it dawned on her. "Or you'll.... you'll have to kill them." She croaked and she saw her son visibly stiffen.

"And who's fault will it be?"

A sob escaped passed her trembling lips. "Mine." This was her fault. He was going to kill him.

"So now you know what I have to do."

"No!" She screamed and launched herself at him. "Don't touch him!"

Loki was impressed with the fight she put up, but wasn't surprised. He knew as a mom, she'd do anything for her children. Fortunately for him, she's was quick, but he was quicker.

The sheer force of her scream and sob drew her to her knees as she watched her son plummet to what would be an inevitable death. Her crying was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. From her mouth came a cry from so raw, that even the eyes of the servants and guards around her was suddenly wet with tears.

She shoved past everyone and ran down the stairs of the balcony and to her son's lifeless body. She collapsed in a heap and moved to hold Landon, but before she could, he vanished.

She reeled back, horrified. "No, where.... Is he still-"

"He's alive." Loki's irritated voice sounded from behind her.

Her mouth opened and closed multiple times as her brain desperately tried to figure out what the hell just happened. Her chin quivered and another confused sob followed. "He's alive? That wasn't him?"

He crossed his arms, suddenly right in front of her. "You don't believe me?"

Her body trembled in a mixture of fear and rage before she finally snapped. "Believe you!?" She barked and stood to her feet. All rational thoughts went out the window. "You've done nothing but deceive me for the past several years! You've controlled my life, you made me believe my kids and my friends were murdered, and I STILL don't know what to believe! The only reason why I haven't killed myself yet is because of my kids! I hate you, I despise you, and I hope you die!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. "If my kids are actually dead, just kill me already!"

All he did was stare at her blankly. "You don't mean that."

"Hell yes I do." She snarled. "I will never understand why you picked me. You could have had anyone else in the world- in the galaxy, yet you singled out a lonely farm girl to torture for the rest of her life." She cried, hoarsely. "And I know what you did."

He rose a brow.

"I haven't aged." She seethed, harshly. "Not a grey hair, not a wrinkle, no saggy skin, nothing. I'm stuck with you forever now, aren't I? You made me immortal when we got married." She more so stated than asked, while glaring at the wedding band melted and molded into her skin for eternity.

The corners of his mouth curled upwards into a improbable grin, answering her question.

A lone tear traveled down her cheek and she closed her eyes, practically glowing in the moonlight. Loki thought she couldn't look more beautiful. "And I don't have much time left, do I?" She asked so softly, she could barely hear it herself.

He hummed in question and steadily drew near. He noticed she didn't cower away when he stood directly behind her and didn't flinch when he combed his fingers through her long hair.

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